Chapter 10

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There he was standing there waiting for me like Rachel said

"Hey princess." Liam said coming closer to me and running his hands down my waist and hips.

"Liam no we're at school." I said as I smiled pushing his hands away.

"So what?" He said as he got closer to my neck.

"Liam I said no we're at school." I say and I push him away.

"That's not what you said the other night." He said biting his lip.

"Ok get to the point of why I'm here." I say getting impatient and crossing my arms.

"Ok ok listen so you know how my mom is supposed to check in on you since your mom left?" He asked me.

"Uh yeah why?" I ask confused.

"I'll say I'll check in on you and see how your really doing." Liam said towering over me leaning against the wall.

The power he has over me

"Sounds good!" I say back to him

"Alright I'll see you later then." He said smiling

"Yep." I said and smiled and before I knew it he pressed him lips against mine.

"Bye." I said as I walked away smiling but not letting him know that.


I was in the shower listening to my music when all the sudden I heard a loud banging on my door.

I turned the water off and wrapped my self in a towel and started to run downstairs.

The banging continued.

"I'm coming hold on!" I yell out.

I finally get to the door and unlock it and open it up to see Logan, Liam's older brother.

"Can I help you?" I ask crossing my arms.

"Can I come in real quick?" He asked.

I let out a sigh

"I guess so." I say and he walks in.

"What do you need or want?" I ask him as he sits down on my couch.

"How do I gain Liam's trust back?" He asked me.

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