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I glance over at the little clock on the bottom left hand of my pc and sigh, 6AM it reads.  I struggle to stretch my limbs a bit over my head before slowly starting to stand up from my gaming chair I spend too many hours in.  I just finished editing my new YouTube video I will most likely publish today sometime.  I always end up finishing late despite the way school starts at 8AM all week.  I desire a normal sleep schedule, but that's quite impossible spite the way my job and school takes up so much of my sleeping hours.

The life of a YouTuber might seem simple, but that's hardly it.  yes, I make thousands on playing games with my friends and enjoying it, but I also have lots of things to do with this job.  Editing takes up most of my time because I have to go through hours of footage to make a decent video. However I still enjoy this life because of my many supporters.  So many, millions even, of people that just enjoy watching me.  I don't know why, but I'm not gonna fight it obviously with how much I enjoy it. 

I love my fans so much, I spent a lot of the money I made from videos on producing merchandise to let them buy.  I've already had hundreds bought and I'm more than happy with the outcome of it.  Sometimes I host calls with my subscribers and they are always so excited when they get the chance to speak with me.  Many see me as a celebrity in their eyes, I would highly disagree, but still let them envision it as it makes me feel good and loved.

Now realizing I was already looking through my closet in search for a decent shirt to throw on for school, I focus back on reality.  After finding a plain white tee I headed over towards my dresser to fix up my lower half clothes.  I debated just throwing sweats on, but that was too basic so instead I threw on a more appropriate pair of jeans.  Then I slipped on my socks which was definitely not my own merch onto my feet along with my favorite worn out pair of converse.

After a soggy bowl of cereal for breakfast from my mom I was finally off to school driving my own very car that is definitely my most prized possession.  Speaking of school, I hated it.  As you can see I love communicating with people and spending hours just talking, but that's most definitely the opposite life style at school.  Not that I don't want to talk to people at school, its just nobody is even interested in speaking to me.  I try speaking up all the time, but it just ends up in them ignoring me or trying to leave the conversation almost immediately. 

I don't know why I seem so unappealing at school unlike social media, but I just am I guess.  probably looks like the nerdy kid sitting in the corner just getting bullied constantly.  The only peak of this lifestyle is hearing everyones conversations from them just forgetting about me.  I do love hearing gossip, one of my top things to do at school other than skipping it entirely.

My thoughts are cut short as I arrive at the building I despised arriving at this Tuesday morning.  I looked towards it seeing I'm already not one of the firsts to arrive and will need to look harder for an open parking spot.  Curse you school for not assigning us our own spots, this is hell! 

What felt like hours later I found the most decent spot I could get and parked my car.  Checking the time before I stepped out shocking me seeing I had 5 minutes till class started.  I hurriedly sped walk to the front doors already on my way to grab my first period books in my locker.  Only a second later I was opening my locker in a rush when I heard a quiet giggle to my left.  I quickly shot my head in that direction ready to defend myself from someone laughing at me when it occurred to me it was just some boy on his phone laughing to himself.  Curiously I peaked my head a little bit to see his phone when I just simply saw... Minecraft?  Thats weird, what a coincidence. 

Realizing I was still about to run late I turned back to my locker and grabbed my books before unintentionally slamming it back shut before again speed walking down the hallway.  I reached my class just in time for attendance and sat in my seat close to the back of the room sighing while waiting patiently.  God I hate history, might as well ease drop on the conversation in front of me, am I right?

"did you see?"  I hear one of the girls in front of me almost squealing.  I cringe a bit at the excitement she had at 8AM in the morning,  how could one possibly be so happy this early?  However I was up all night and don't really have a say in this as I never actually get sleep around this hour.  Now going back to their conversation to hear what this annoying girl saw.

"What?  see what Ashley?  Tell me girl!"  Ashley's friend I suppose was even more squeaky sounding then her.  She asked to many questions in one short line it was overwhelming, maybe I should quit listening now-

"Dream said a new video today!"  Ashley yelled excitingly.  I froze it my seat deciding this was definitely the conversation I wanted to participate it.  Dream?  Like the one that spends his days being stupid playing around on Minecraft with his friends kinda dream?  Me kinda dream?!  Well,  obviously it was me seeing as she said 'new video today' and I was definitely planning on uploading today.  The other girl squealed excitingly and I couldn't help myself before I spoke up.

"You know Dream?"  I blurted quickly trying to hide my embarrassment by looking to the floor immediately.  I tensed upon hearing Ashley respond to me very suddenly.

"Of course! He is literally amazing, you're not an ugly hater are you?!  I actually want to punch you!"  I shot my head up quickly shaking my head left and right to get my point across.  I stuttered for a moment to decide how to respond without giving myself away.

"No! no im not a hater.  He's great, I just didn't know other people here knew him is all."  I sighed after relieved I got it out with only a moment of hesitation.

Both girls looked surprised to hear my response and looked over at each other slowly before bursting into a fit of giggles.  Each of them not even trying to calm themselves after the teacher clearly became annoyed with their antics.  I sighed out thinking they were joking and are making fun of me now.  I looked down at my notes beginning to read over what I had written before a voice spoke over my thoughts.

"What do you mean?!  Everyone knows dream, he is practically the schools mascot with just how many people are getting his new merch soon?" she practically giggled and screamed out at the same time.  I shot my head back up to the two girls almost skeptically searching their faces for any lies.

"Really?"  I squeaked out nervous to hear their responses again.  What if they weren't lying and the whole school was talking about me?  How would I even want to react to that, would I pretend to be obsessed because I knew everything or just ignore everything about me all together?  Questions circled my mind constantly now.

"yeah idiot, are you living under a rock?"  The girls burst into laugher again after that and turned back to their desk while clutching their stomachs.  However my stomach was just filled with nervousness while the questions still swirled my brain.  I blushed embarrassed and sunk into my chair to continue my question spree.

1345 words

          Chapter 1 how we feeling?  leave me suggestions for this fic in the comments maybe hehe

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