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Dream pov

I've been thinking a lot recently.  Ever since the day I told george about who I was there's been something just in my mind.

It's obvious that we're in love and I'm grateful for that, but I just wished that I had the courage to go right up to him and talk about it.  I want to date him and be able to say I'm in a relationship with him because I feel like I would of succeeded in life by being able to state I've found such a perfect boy.

However I don't know if he's ready and I don't want to move to fast for his likings.  How do I know when the perfect time to ask is?

I feel like George knows all of me now.  He knows who I am at school.  He knows clay and how he acts and how he shows affection.  He knows my career.  He knows dream and how he is and what he basically does in life. 

He knows what I've been hiding for the past years and he knows that I deal with a lot of stress from doing that.  He understands and that makes me love him even more.  He knows I trusted him by telling him that and now he knows that he can't break that trust so he will continue to be by my side.  If we were a couple that would be one healthy relationship.

"Dream!" My head shoots in the direction of the voice and I'm met with a worried face to my right.

"Dream dude pay attention to the road."  Sapnap exclaims while pointing back to the front of the car.  I look forward and realize I've been stopped at a stop sign for a bit too long now.  My eyes widen and I quickly push on the gas and start my way down the road again.  This situation seems to happen a lot recently.

"Sorry."  I mumble, trying not to make any eye contact in case of a lecture coming my way.

"It's fine..what's on your mind?"  He questions.  I can see him stretch from the corner of my eye, how long have I been stopped there for..?  I turn my glance towards the window beside me and watch as the trees fly by.  I can spot a few birds sitting on a branch or a squirrel or two climbing up a tree.

"Just.." I pause, not knowing how to continue the sentence.  I put my attention back to the road in front of me and see how there are barely any cars present on this street.  We were currently driving to George's house after stopping by at the mall to pick up a few things.

"Take your time." The raven haired beside me adds on. I nod and then look over at him, seeing he wasn't even looking at me. I'm thankful for that, knowing he wasn't staring me down, waiting for when I spoke again.

"I want- I want a relationship.. with George." I sigh out, already feeling embarrassed by saying that out loud. Sapnap doesn't seemed bothered by it though as he just looks towards me with a giant grin present on his face.

"Then ask him!" He happily says, throwing his arms up to show his intense excitement.

"Sap, I can't." I mumble out, kind of hoping he didn't hear so I wouldn't have to explain any further. I watch from a side view as he frowns and flops back into his seat.

"Dream stop being a pussy and ask him..!" He grumbles out, seemingly very disappointed I'm not bold enough to start a relationship with George already. He seems to want me to just get a boyfriend already and be happy, and honestly I relate.

"You have chemistry!" He continues on. I sigh and then look at the boy fully now, seeing a frown etched right onto his face. I frown as well and stare back at the road, realizing we're not too far from George's residence.

"What if he's not ready?" 

"That's something you guys need to talk about."  Sapnap quickly states right as I finish.  I sigh and subtly nod my head looking towards Sapnap with a small smile.

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