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George pov :)

I awoke on a somewhat normal Sunday morning, not yet processing what happened the night before quite yet. I yawned and stretched while standing up from my peaceful bed I normally lay upon. Once up, I headed towards my phone and unplugged it from it's charging position.

Almost immediately I opened my phone up and began scrolling through my new notifications I received the night prior.  As I lazily scrolled for a few minutes I noticed I had received a text message.  I clicked onto it seeing it was from Karl, but before I could open our texts I was alerted with an incoming phone call from him as well.  I smiled and quickly accepted the call waiting for him to speak up.

"George!"  I'm taken aback by his loud proximity but quickly recover and scream back at my best friend.

"Karl!  What's up?"  I laugh through my side of the phone.  I hear Karl giggle a bit as well before hearing him speak up once more.

"Don't know. I'm bored!" Karl whines back at me causing me to roll my eyes at his antics.

"You can just ask to come over y'know." I chuckle and hear him sigh before chuckling along with me.

"Ok! I'll be there in 10, bye gogs!" Karl screeches before hanging up on me. A smile erupts my face for a minute before I realize I should be preparing for Karls arrival shortly. I set my phone I was previously using down and turned towards my closet ready to chose an outfit for today.

Once I dressed up in a sweater, jeans, some jewelry to look more fruity, and my dream bucket hat I was ready to go. I obviously felt the need to wear the hat because for some reason it reminded me of clay. That's probably just because of him teasing me with it the day he came over though.  I checked the time seeing 10 minutes have already past giving Karl plenty of time to arrive at my house any second now.

Knock knock knock

That must be him.  I jumped up from my bed I was waiting on and ran over to the front door to answer it for Karl.  My mum was out at work today so we wouldn't have to worry about her.  Once I reached the door I immediately swung it open and was then met with arms wrapping me into a hug.  We were both giggling like freaks for a moment before calming down allowing me to lead him back into my bed room.

"Wow George, you've changed it up a lot since I was last here. Which was I don't know 2 weeks ago." He laughs. I turn to him and see him staring up at my pride flag. I smile a little and watch as he looks back over to me, also having a large smile engulfing his face.

"When did you get that gogs?" He points back over towards the flag. I shrug and walk over to it as well and stare up at it.

"I got it a little over a week ago, my mom surprised me with it after I came out." I feel an arm swing over my shoulder and tense before remembering Karl is right next to me. I look over towards his face and see him nod towards me out of acknowledgement. I hum and shove his arm to the side before skipping towards my bed I sat on only a few minutes ago.

"Oh!" Karl jumps up out of no where. I look at him confused and see him just staring at me with an unreadable face. I was about to ask him what was wrong until he finally spoke up again.

"Where were you last night? I tried calling you and everything!" Karl questions when coming to join me on the bed. I think for a moment trying to remember what happened the day before. I mainly remember being exhausted and falling asleep right away after speaking with someone...who? I furrow my eyebrows, thinking very hard to last night before remembering suddenly. I mentally face palm at my forgetfulness.

"Karl!" I yell looking over at the confused boy. I jump up and grab his hands and start to spin us in circles while repeating his name over and over again.

"What what what what what?!?" Karl screams back at me. I laugh and am filled with excitement at the memory from the night before. I spoke with Dream! I played Minecraft with Dream! Dream wanted to speak with me! I'm living the Dream! I finally stopped spinning and stared in to Karls eyes with a large smile on my face.

"Yesterday was amazing! How didn't I remember it before?" I spoke to him again, only confusing the boy even more. I finally decided however to stop trolling him and explain my over joy to him.

"I spoke to Dream! I played Minecraft with the man Karl!" I laugh out watch Karls face light up immediately.

"really?!" He screeches into my ear. I nod my head eagerly and watch as Karl holds my hands tighter and starts jumping up and down around the room with me yelling just like I was previously.

"How does that even come about?  Did he just ask you or something!?"  Karl asks looking at me more seriously.  I think about it for a second before nodding my head back to Karl surprising the boy.

"Actually that's exactly how it happened."  I chuckle.  I remember freaking out when dream offered to get onto a call with me.  Why?  I don't know but I am sure glad that it happened.  I take notice of Karl's furrowed brows and reach to pull my phone out.  I open up me and dreams dms and show the screen to Karl.  I watch as he snatches the phone from me and holds it up unreasonably close to his face while squinting dramatically at the device.

"This is unreal."  Karl mumbles while slowly lowering the phone from his line of vision.  I slowly take back my phone from his hand and watch as he is still in some sort of shock. 

"You've been noticed my dream and now are like besties with him."  He laughs while throwing his arms up in disbelief.  I laugh along with him before hearing a knock come from the front door of my house.  I stared at Karl, confused because no one should be home at this time before slowly walking towards the awaiting person behind the door.

I tried hiding behind the curtain when looking out to see who was at the door while standing my the window. To say shocked was an exaggeration. Standing behind that front door was clay, and I have no idea what could make him want to come over. We've actually not spoken that much the past couple days and now he is just randomly showing up at my house when he's only been here once. I turned back to Karl and immediately ran to the nearest mirror.

My hair was a mess from this hat so I quickly tried fixing it up with some water. Once satisfied I threw the hat back on and ran back to the front door. I was worried he might of left by now but when I swung the door open I was met with his freckled face staring back down at me. A small smile crept up my face before I looked back at Karl and realized he was quite confused. I just shrugged before leading clay into the house to hear him explain his reasonings for arriving here, not that I was complaining.

"So Um what's up clay? Why're you here?" I get straight to the point when we're all sitting in my room. Clay looks over at me and then towards Karl with a nervous giggle following.

"Well, me and my mom got in an argument. And well uh, she doesn't want me there right now." He stutters out. I slowly bring my hand to his shoulder and lay it there to try and maybe comfort him if he needs it. He just smiles down at me before looking down at his hands.

"I was wondering if I could stay here, just for tonight. I don't want to be a bother though." He finishes looking up at me and then over to Karl. I notice Karl giving him a small smile of encouragement.

"Of course you can! I'm sure my mom won't mind. Karl had just arrived and now we can all just hang together." I exclaimed watching as clays face lit up with happiness before he went on to thank me.

"No problem, just make yourself at home!" I laughed out while standing up to stretch.

1470 words

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