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Dream pov

I sighed out heavily once I arrived at my destination.  I was worried and nervous to be completely honest.  I've never spoken or even seen my best friend in person before and that fact is just about to change.  I'm scared Sapnap won't like how I look and immediately leave back to Texas or something.

Even though I doubt he will leave and express his hatred I feel like he still might not like me now he's saw me.  I wonder if he thinks I'm nothing like my usual self online rather then in real life.  I mean I guess that's why nobody's recognized me yet.

I pull my phone out to check the time, being met with 6:30 on the dot.  I sigh and then decide it's probably best to head in now as Sapnap's plane has most definitely landed by now.  Pushing the door open I smile a bit at the thought of actually hanging with my best friend.

Why am I so worried?  Sapnap won't change his mind on me after so many years of speaking with me.  He even went out of his way to come to Florida just to see me for the first time.  He's spending his break to fly on a plane to me instead of frolicking with his family members.

A few minutes have passed and I've finally arrived through the entrance and all that shit.  I'm now searching through the crowd in hope to see a familiar face somewhere in it.

My face lights up once I see a certain man with a baseball cap.  I blink a few times to confirm my sighting and then once satisfied I start sprinting towards the man.  Once I reach him I immediately jump into him and give him an excited hug. 

The man freezes and doesn't hug back and instead pushes me away a bit.  Once he sees my face his brows furrow before his eyes widen in shock.

"Dream!?"  He screeches causing me to hope nobody heard that.  I nod my head excitedly and watch as Sapnap wraps his arms around me and pulls me in tight.  He squeals like a little boy and starts jumping all over the place while we're still in each towers embrace.

"Dream it's really you!"  He yells out once were slowly breaking from our hug.  I smile brightly and look over to the man I've been speaking with online for years now.

"Sapnap this is crazy.." I sigh out happily.  Sapnap smiles brighter and wraps me into his arms again before I have to break us from the hug again.

"Okay okay dude lets get out of here.." I mumble to my best friend, now feeling self conscious of all the eyes on us.  He nods along with me and picks up his bags, preparing himself for the walk out.

Ten long and stressful minutes later we arrive In my car, having already put sapnap's bags in the trunk.  Once were satisfied in our seats we stare over at the other and inspect their features.

"Wow man your hot, no wonder your hitting it off with George.."  Sapnap chuckles out jokingly.  I frown sarcastically and slap the mans arm, hating that he's already brought up my love life.

"What?!  Your hitting it off right?"  Sapnap questions, still in his joking manner.  I smile and take notice of the increasing blush forming on my cheeks just thinking about the brunette.

"Your blushing!  Oh my god.." Sapnap sighs out while bringing his hand to his face and sliding it down till it reaches his chin.  "I bet you've made out already.." He adds on.

"Sapnap! No! Bad!"  I snap, sarcasm lingering in my tone of voice.  The man just laughs and holds his stomach as he wheezes.  I couldn't help but smile along with him and giggle just a bit at the sound of my best friends laugh.

A few minutes later the laughing died down, resulting in me beginning to drive us out of the airport. Sapnap rambled about his plane ride as I drove, leading me to have the knowledge on how every person around him smelled and how long each person slept for. This man must of been bored to take note of all of these strange facts.

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