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George pov

I haven't heard from clay at all today which worries me a little. Normally we would meet up in the mornings and at lunch, but he is just no where to be seen. I even tried to message the boy, but he seems to be ignoring them or something of the sort.  So, when lunch rolls around I go and take things into my own hands by searching the parking lot.

If clay did come to school then his car would be somewhere in this mass. It might be a pointless action, but I've taken quite a liking to clay recently and really just want to see if he's okay.

As I'm strolling around, every once and awhile dodging students I take notice of a familiar lock of blond hair. I smile and walk a bit further and notice the familiar car along side the blond. I also take notice of an unfamiliar figure standing next to the blond laughing. Curiously, I watch the two and see as they just continue to talk and laugh.

Eventually however the blond I've been watching turns towards my direction and sees me standing there. His eyes widen as he looks to be quite worried I'm present. Just then however I take notice more of the person clay had been previously speaking with. He looks oddly familiar before I realize just who he was.

"Is that Sapnap!?" I screech, quickly jogging more towards the two. I look over at the raven haired man and smile as I just stare. He looks nervous as he's just smiling and taking many quick glances towards the direction of clay. I choose to ignore that though and just put my attention on the fact that literal Sapnap is in my school's parking lot.

"Uh hi!"  He speaks.  I blink my eyes a few times at him before looking over to where clay was standing nervously, that's strange.  I quickly go up to the blond and grab his hand, pulling him near where Sapnap is currently still standing.

"Hi Sapnap!  I'm a big fan."  I exclaim proudly, throwing my arms up as I speak.  He laughs a little before replying a moment later.

"I can see that.  I was just talking with your friend here, we got a picture, would you like one?"  He questions.  My eyes light up as I smile and nod excitingly before pulling out my phone.  I turn to the blond still nervously next to me and hand him my phone.

"Clay can you please take the photo?"  I ask politely.  He nods his head and pulls the phone to face the two of us.  I go up to the raven haired boy and stand next to him, smiling at the camera.

"Say cheese!"  Clay yells out as I smile even brighter.  Once the photos are taken I quickly run over to clay and take my phone back before turning back over to where Sapnap is.

"So uh Sapnap, what are you doing here in Florida?"  I ask, wondering why the Texan randomly appeared here in Orlando.

"Just visiting a friend-"

"HMM" Clay hums extra loud from behind me, interrupting Sapnap.  The both of us look towards the blond.  I furrow my brows at him before slowly turning back to where Sapnap stood.

"Who? Is it dream, I know he lives in Florida.  Who else would it be?"  I ramble on, not even realizing how personal I was trying to get into sapnap's life.

"Uh...yup!" He laughed out, obviously quite nervous for some odd reason. I heard a sudden gasp behind me before I could even think of what to react to sapnaps confession. I quickly turn my head in the direction of the noise and see a shocked Clay staring back at me.

The blondes green eyes meet my browns and he almost immediately tries to change his demeanor.

"whaaaat?" He almost a little to dramatically yells out towards the direction of Sapnap. I blink, a little confused with clays reaction, but nonetheless shrug and turn back to Sapnap. He seemed to be staring at something particular, but I ignored that fact and instead remembered about how Dream was probably somewhere in my town currently.

"Oh my god! Dream is here?!" I screeched, still not realizing my invasion into the boys privacy. I smiled like a madman and starting jumping around a little, feeling extremely excited with this new learned information.

"Well.." Sapnap begins before getting interrupted.

"GEORGE, we should uh- get to class.. lunch is over."  Clay rushes out from behind me.  I furrow my eyebrows as I stare at the blond, wondering why school is on the top of his agenda currently.  He just nervously smiled and grabbed my hand before pulling me back to the school.  I try and wave to the boy we left behind, but clay seemed dedicated to get me inside as quickly as possible, almost making me trip over my own two feet.

Once we reached our lockers a good 5 minutes later I looked up to clay quite annoyed.

"What the fuck was that?!"  I yell at him, taking notice of the bare ness in this current hallway.  He anxiously looks down to his feet and shrugs before attempting to make steady eye contact with me.

"I- I don't know?"  He mumbles out seemingly quite scared on how I'm reacting to this situation.  I furrow my brows and stare up at the taller, making it obvious I'm mad at the blond.

"Do you know how often I get to meet a content creator?!  Never!"  I huff out while throwing my arms up in defense.  I swear I could of saw the slightest smirk on the talleres face when I said that, but I decided it was probably bullcrap like the rest of what he did was.

"I just wanted to speak with the one and only Sapnap himself, but noOo clay says we gotta go~"  I mutter aggressively to the green eyes staring me down.  He frowns and stares off into the distance after a moment with inspecting my face.

"Not only did you take me away FORCEFULLY, but you also were worrying me constantly this entire day Clay!  I had no clue if you were okay..!"  I continued on making it very clear on where my mind currently lies with clay.

"Now if you don't have a reason-!" 

"You were making him uncomfortable George!"  He screams back at me, completely changing his demeanor and causing me to furrow my brows once more.

"No I wasn't!"  I defend myself, clearing not believing the excuse.  How could I even make him uncomfortable by asking some questions, besides he's literally famous he should be used to this by now.

"Yes you were George!  Yes you fucking were!"  He yells back before quickly turning around and speed walking away.

I frown and watch as he walks off with his shoulders risen and hands into fists.  Is he really that mad..?  He has no reason to be mad anyways, he didn't have to worry all day about where I was.  And he also got to spend quality talking time with Sapnap, unlike me who got interrupted half way through.. for no reason..

1206 words

A bit short, but wanted to get something out as I've been quite busy recently :)

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