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Dream pov

It's Wednesday and I'm about over the drama by now.  My outing has been stuck on trending for 2 days now and I'm sick of it!  The longer it's present the more hate I see come in, and the more hate makes me more insecure about this entire situation.

I haven't said anything about it yet because I don't want to draw any more attention to it or show people their words actually have an affect on me.  I have barely even spoken to Sapnap since then either, only a simple 'you okay' and 'yeah'.

Currently I'm sat in the same hallway I first heard the news being spread at.  It's my comfort spot and even if bad things were present here it won't change that fact.  I try and not pay attention to the conversation going on a few feet away as I have a staring contest with the floor, but accidentally hear something which catches my attention.

"Dream?  You know he's gay right?"  Someone speaks out.  I slowly lift my head to see 3 boys standing and laughing with each other. 

"Yeah I heard, gross right.  I lost all respect."  I sigh and look to the third guy who has stood silent during this conversation and wait for what hate comment he has to put out too.  I'm surprised when I see his face come into vision because it looked very similar.  I think back to the introductions I might of received or maybe some random short hallway conversation I've had when it clicks into place.

It's Alex, George's friend. 

I look more intensely at him and wonder what his reaction on all this is.  I wonder if he knows George is apart of the lgbt community and if he does, will he hate on me for it anyways?  Alex seems to be awkwardly standing to the side, probably uncomfortable with the conversation.  I wouldn't be surprised if he just walked away right this second.  I'm shocked to watch him take a breath and but into their short conversation.

"Are you guys really gonna hate on someone for that?  I mean he didn't even chose for people to know!"  The two other guys looked over towards Alex and had a disgusted face embrace their faces.

"Dude you have to be joking.  It doesn't matter if he chose or not that's disgusting either way and I want nothing to do with that."  Alex was frustrated and I could tell.  His eyebrows furrowed and he glared at the two boys in front of him with hatred.  He huffed before stepping toward into the boys face and pointing his finger to him.

"You used to adore over dream every aspect on the day and now your calling him disgusting and hating on him for something he literally can not control!  Do you not understand how stupid that is, how stupid you guys are?!  I don't even want to speak to you homophobes anyways."  Alex took a few steps back now and huffed once more.

The two boys in front of Alex were dissatisfied and looked to each other as a kind of way of saying 'do you hear him dude?'  The opposite one from speaking last time turned back to Alex before continuing the argument.

"Do you not understand how much of a pussy dream must've been?  If it weren't for the person telling everyone, nobody would of known they were watching a disgusting person, not even us!"  I was taken aback by this new rude comment towards me.  Was I really a pussy for not telling people?  Was it bad that I kept it a secret from my millions of fans when knowing they could disagree with it?  This is my fault isn't it?

I notice Alex walking away now angrily and decide Its best to go speak to him now while I can.  I jog up to him while blocking the vision from the two boys standing now some yards away.  I place a soft hand onto his shoulder and watch as he jumps back and quickly turns towards me shocked.  I've never actually spoken to him before so he must be confused to see me staring at him right then.  I didn't think of what to say to him before so decide to just freely speak my words.

"Uh that was really sweet of you back there.  For um standing up for dream, I bet he appreciates it very much so."  Alex is taken aback by my sudden words and stands dumbly shocked for a moment or two.  I now take notice of my hand still present on his shoulder and quickly remove it before things get weird.  Alex is now gone from his confused gaze and looks up to my eyes before speaking.

"It's really nothing, uh clay right?"  I nod my head as a response and watch as a small smile erupts into his face.  He nods back before continuing his previous statement.

"And it's not like dream will know about this anyways.  And if he somehow did, my one small thing means nothing to him."  His statement gives me some sort of deja vu.  I remember hearing George previously saying something along the lines of 'my one small act won't matter to Dream'.

Is that what everyone thinks of me?  That I don't take notice to them or that I don't realize the small nice things people comment about me.  In all honestly though I greatly appreciate the things people do for me.  I don't know what I would do without knowing all these people constantly have my back on things.  Even in times like these I still take notice to the comments I receive, maybe I should show people that I see them and acknowledge it for once.

"Alex I bet dream really enjoys knowing people care for him and I bet he appreciates every single one of his fans greatly!  Trust me, if he knew about this he would definitely appreciate it."  Alex seemed to doubt my words but nodded his head none the less.

"You really think so?"

"I know so."  He lightly chuckled and eventually we said our goodbyes,  but not before we exchanged numbers and twitters to keep in touch.  (I obviously have an alt for irl things and irl friends).

Speaking of Twitter, after me and Alex's short conversation I headed over to a new bench and started scrolling through my recent feed. Obviously a lot of it was filled with things regarding my outing once again but I tried focusing more on the random tweets from my friends or the random Minecraft memes appearing.

As I was scrolling I came upon a pretty surprising photo tweeted by a pretty familiar person I have taken notice to recently. It was captioned

Dream, I have decided I will also have my sexuality known to the world so here it is! I'm gay and proud :]

I smiled as I began to click on the photo underneath of the caption.  It showed George posing in front of the same flag I saw only two days ago.  I decided to like the tweet and continue scrolling through my feed.  I came upon many supportive people stating how they will continue to make points that my sexuality shouldn't change peoples views on me.  I ended up liking quite a few of them to get my point across that I do appreciate all my fans.

Sometime during my scrolling the bell went off informing me I had to attend my upcoming class.  I sighed and gathered my things before strutting over to my next class. 

1270 words

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