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Dream pov

The three of us ordered our meals once a waiter approached our table. I obviously tried going for a more cheap option so I didn't spend too much of George's mother's money.

When the waiter left, the table became silent, just awaiting for someone to break that silence and speak up. After a few moments of this George's mom decided she was done with it and began speaking up.

"So clay, what do you do?" She questioned when looking over to me. I was sat opposite from her in the booth, sitting right beside George instead.

What do I do? I obviously can't be like I spend my days playing video games for millions. That might be a dead giveaway that I'm literally the brunette next to me's favorite content creator.

"Um well not much to be honest.." I probably sound like I got no life or something. She most definitely will dislike that.

"Hm, do you play any sports or do any clubs?" She questioned once more only pushing at the situation. I just shook my head hoping she drops it as it's just showing how boring of a life I got besides YouTube. George seemed to catch on and decided to interrupt his mother's Q&A on me.

"Mum I don't think he's got anything to say to that. Move on." He laughed out while smiling at his mother. They have such a nice mother-son relationship, I would kill for something like that with my mom. She just sighed and chuckled along with George before seemingly coming up with a new topic.

"Do you have a job?" I almost spat out the drink I was currently swallowing down when she spoke. A job..?

"Um No." I firmly spoke, once again hoping the women across from me dropped this subject immediately. I can't accidentally spill something about my youtube career, definitely not in front of George.

"I think everyone your age should have a job of some sort, how do you pay for your gas?" She continued on making me a little bit upset. I obviously wasn't going to express that to her however as she's just asking simple questions, and she has no idea how 'personal' they are to me.

"Mum! I don't have a job." George yelled out, not loud enough to attract others attentions though.

"You also don't have a car." She snapped back before realizing her tone in voice. She shamefully looked down at the table before locking eyes with me again.

"Sorry clay, I was getting desperate to learn more about you. I just feel like I know almost nothing about you and if you and George get together then-"

"Mum!" George quickly interrupted her from continuing. My face was flushed from embarrassment, along with George's as well. Is it really that obvious we're both crushing just a bit..?

"Sorry boys, sorry."  Ms Davidson laughed out while fixing up her napkin laid on her lap.  She then smiled over at the two of us and chuckled a bit once more.  Confused, I looked towards my right where George was sat and saw him looking as red as a tomato, more red then I could of ever imagined.  I laughed at him, drawing his attention to me.

"Oh c'mon!  You don't look so good yourself either."  George called back at me causing us both to fall into a fit of laughter.

"Okay so, Clay how long are you planning to stay with us?"  George's mom questioned me once me and George both calmed down some.

"Well if I could stay tonight then that would be all.."  I spoke, subtly asking if I could stay one more night then I said I would.  She just smiled before responding back.

"Of course hun, stay as long as you please!  Everything sorted out at home sweetie?"  She kindly responding making me smile at her actions.  I just shrugged however as a response for her question because in all reality, I don't think my situation at home is ever really going to be sorted out.  I'm really just waiting for when I turn 18 so I can move away and continue on my career in peace.

"Well I'm actually meeting up with my friend for the first time tomorrow, and we can't stay at your place." I added on hoping I didn't sound rude with the last part. She just nodded along as I spoke leading me to look over at the brunette next to me instead. He had a puzzled face which I was a bit skeptical on why it was present currently.

"Oh I understand, but it's no problem if your friend wants to stay with us as well, we have an extra room." She pushed, kind of making me think she wants me to continue to stay at the Davidson's house. Why would she want that, I'm probably just adding extra unnecessary things to their days.

"Oh he couldn't-"

"Why? I want to meet him." George interrupted sounding a bit upset. I just confusingly looked over at him with a sympathetic smile and continued on.

"Sorry but we just want some time for ourselves I guess." I lied hoping to convince the others present at the table. I definitely can't let George see my 'friend.' That would just be a giveaway I'm not some normal high schooler. No normal student would be besties with literal Sapnap and get him to fly all the way here to meet up, I would know.

"Oh." George sighed out while looking down at the table in front of us. I sighed as well thinking I might of hurt the boys feelings, oh who am I kidding I obviously did! I frowned and stared at the brunette thinking of a way to make things better before an idea popped into my head.

"Excuse us ms Davidson, I need to speak with George for a moment okay?" I asked while getting up from my side of the booth I was just previously on. The women across from me just furrowed her brows before nodding and allowing us the leave.

George confusingly followed along with me to the men's restroom all the way until we arrived in it. Fortunately, the stalls were all empty allowing us to talk just among ourselves.

"What did you need?" The smaller questioned looking up at me, waiting for me to explain what we were doing in the men's bathroom during the middle of dinner.

"I didn't mean to make you upset George.." I mumbled out quite ashamed I could make the brunette feel upset over something I said.  I don't think I would of forgiven myself,  I hate making people mad or upset even though I somehow make millions mad everyday.  However at least I can control this scenario.

"It's okay clay, you didn't do anything wrong I'm just being sensitive."  The boy spoke softly causing my heart to warm just a bit.  I just sighed and then surprised the brunette by wrapping my arms around him.  He jumped before also hesitantly wrapping his own arms around me.

We stood in an embrace for some time before we slowly separated from each other.  Once we pulled away we just stared at the other intensely, studying the others features under the light coming from above us.  We both slowly leaned towards each other before our lips connected into a loving kiss.

Not even 3 seconds later however we both heard a noise come from the door causing us to quickly break apart and snap our heads to the direction of the unexpected noise.  A simple man had walked in, unaware of the previous events in which just happened.

Me and george both awkwardly looked at each other before scurrying out the door in hope the man didn't notice our flushed faces.  As the two of us slowly walked back to our tables George took ahold of my hand and looked over at me.

"You've never met your friend before and I don't want to disturb okay?  So have a nice time with him!"  The brunette spoke with sweetness in his voice.  I smiled at him and nodded my head for acknowledgement, now noticing however we've just about arrived at our table, which is now filled with food.

"You kids good now?"  George's mom asked once we seated ourselves contently.  We both nodded while sneaking quick glances at each other while smiling.

1407 words

Happy new year and thx for all the reads :)

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