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Dream pov
TW- panic attack

I was peacefully reading this cool new book I got from the library during my free period when my phone buzzing interrupted me. I pulled my phone out expecting to just see some stupid game notification when I noticed Twitter was blowing up my feed. I quickly clicked onto the app worrying something bad happened. My assumptions were in fact correct.

Apparently someone must of hacked into my dms on twitter and took a screenshot of mine and Sapnaps messages from a couple months back. It was the one message I dreaded for anyone to see except me and sap because it included me spilling the most insecure secret of mine. It was my coming out text, I was way too nervous to say any of that out loud so went straight to the point on messages.

That definitely back fired now though, seeing my texts can easily be leaked like this.

It was a simple 'I'm gay' which is now spread over the entire internet, basically ruining my career.  I'm so screwed.  When I saw the texts all over I immediately began to panic and breath faster and faster until it felt like I was no longer breathing entirely.

I dropped my book, caring less for where it landed and sprinted off to the nearest bathroom.  Upon arrival I looked myself into the mirror and tried calming myself down, however that did almost nothing and i continued to panic.  And I knew what was happening, I was having a panic attack.

I actually haven't had one in a good 5 months, that was a new record.  However that is long gone now with the current events taking place.

About 15 minutes have passed and I have finally calmed my breathing enough to relax a little.  As I was about to splash my face with some water the bell rang through the school making me flinch.  I needed to grab my things, so I turned out of the bathroom and towards my favorite hall bench where my bag and books laid.  I hurriedly shoved everything in and then made my way back towards the bathroom.

Everything seemed to go quite slowly from then on.  George met me in the bathroom and tried to figure out why I was in my current state, but I didn't give him anything at all.  I only assumed he hasn't heard the news yet or else he might have had a completely different demeanor.

We ended up sitting outside for the entirety of lunch, neither of us bothering to eat.  When I asked George about the news revolving around dream I was relieved to hear his response being very sweet. He said it was none of his business and that made my heart just squeeze a little. That was all that was said on the topic however, I didn't want to hear anymore about it if I was honest, but I could still feel the vibrations from my phone every minute reminding me why I have such a sour mood currently.

I could only assume how many friends are texting me, trying to comfort me. And I could only assume how much hate I must be receiving as well. Yeah yeah I knew I had a very welcoming community but that doesn't mean I don't have some homophobic idiots following me. I wanted to ignore that right now though and just focus on the boy in front of me. He seemed to be lost in thought as well, staring at nothing particular.

I jumped up when hearing the faint bell coming from inside the building next to us. I sighed and began to pull my bag over my shoulder when I was interrupted by the small brunette boy.

"Would you maybe want to come over to mine today? If not that's okay." I looked over at him a little surprised and thought over my decisions for a moment before responding back.

My career seemed to just be demolished in the last hour and I'm very overwhelmed.  Would going to George's house really fix those problems.  It's probably just going to stress me out more, what if he somehow figures me out while I'm there.  What if he is so obsessed and has my Minecraft things all over his house.  What if he has some really homophobic family or what if George convinces me to come out while I'm there?  No George wouldn't do that, he's too sweet for anything like convincing me to do that.

Maybe going to his house will take away some stress.  What if it calms me down and takes my mind off all the Twitter drama revolving around me currently.  What if he has sweet parents whom actually care and love for their child.  What if he offers me some dinner, or to help me out with the homework I struggle to much on.  Maybe we could gossip about school drama and how stupid it is.  Maybe, just maybe I'll have a great time with him.

I seemed to be taking to long for an answer when George spoke up over my ongoing thoughts.

"Sorry, that was a stupid question.  Have a nice day clay."  George went to go and walk away after giving me a short wave.  Cmon clay speak up!  This is your chance, make up your mind and at least speak to the desperate boy!

"Wait! That sounds like a great idea."  I squeaked our loud enough for him to hear.  He hesitantly turned back to me with a little grin appearing on his face.

"Really?  You want to come over?"  I nodded and hummed back to him and watched as he ran back over to me and launched himself into my arms.  I was taken aback at first before slowly wrapping my arms around the boys waist.  He buried his face into my neck, I could about feel his smile growing.  I couldn't hold back my little giggle that came out while squeezing the boy a little tighter. 

He eventually let go and stared off to the ground out of embarrassment.  His cheeks were an obvious shade of pink, showing just how flustered he is.

"Sorry" he whispered out while looking back up to my line of vision.

"It's fine, where's your address?"  Obviously I remember seeing his house previously when watching him contain my merch, but that seems a little stalker mode to me to outright say that.

He ended up texting me where he lived so I wouldn't forget before we headed to our next class.  School seemed to fly by the last half of the day relieving me.  No one seemed to speak about the dream news, or at least not where I could hear it at.  When I arrived at home that day I hopped right into the shower.

Me and george decided 5 o'clock was the best time to meet up so we had plenty of time to hang out.  That left me with about an hour and a half to prepare myself.  What was a better way to make a good first impression other than looking fantastic.  So I blowed dried my hair and made sure it looked very fluffy before throwing on a pair of decent ripped jeans with a white collared shirt on.  Following that I through on a cute little hoodie to top it off.

Once I finally looked presentable I put on my converse and headed out the door.  It was already 4:45 when I checked last, and me and George didn't live to far apart either.

I arrived a good 5 minutes earlier then promised giving myself time to mentally prepare myself.  Thoughts I had previously when asked to come over dared retrieving back to my brain causing my anxiety to increase.

What if his parents hate me?  What if he figures out I'm just stupid and boring to hang out with when seeing me?  What if- I flinched back when hearing a knock on my window.  I looked over to see George staring at me curiously with a giant grin present on his face.  I sighed out and turned to open the car door after unbuckling my seatbelt.

Once I stepped out George grabbed my hand and started leading me towards the door.

"Nervous?  You shouldn't be, my mothers a wonderful lady."  I sighed out a little relieved not to here how he has some stupid parents or something.  I noticed we've stopped walking by now as we've reached his front door.  I looked over towards him seeing he was looking down at my outfit.  A little self conscious I turned away and stared at the door.

"Looking good clay, cmon let's go inside."  I stared back at him now seeing his grin was still very present.  I smiled back shyly before watching him reach for the door handle swiftly.

1480 words

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