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Dream pov

The past few weeks have been somewhat eventful.. 

eventually Sapnap's time in Florida had to come to an end, leading for the both of us having to say our goodbyes to eachother.


I watched as my best friend looked at all of the sighs surrounding us, trying to spot out where he should be heading towards. Once he spotted it we both knew what time it was for us. The boy slowly turned to me with a sad smile present on his face. I couldn't stand there anymore and just watch him so I immediately jumped into his arms, letting the tears finally fall.

His arms were wrapped around me as I sobbed. I was always an emotional type, I mean- i think it's pretty obvious by now. I knew sapnaps jacket was wet from my tears now, but I don't think he really minded.

"Dream.. it's okay." The raven haired boy spoke softly while patting me on the back for comfort. I'm crying because I don't know when I will see my best friend again, and I'm crying because I don't know if I can handle it anymore without him.

"I- I need you sap." I whisper while slowly separating from our hug. His expression changed to a frown now and I could tell he also was holding back some tears.

"You have George with you, remember? You're not alone anymore." He exclaims meanwhile patting me on the back again. I would of smiled at the mention of George's name but the circumstances currently prevents that.

"He doesn't- doesn't understand it all though.." I mumble out, worries just clouding my brain. Sapnap sighs before smiling at me softly once more.

"Remember the plan okay? Just follow along with it and I'll always just be a call away, no worries." I sigh at that and nod my head, remembering over what Sapnap, me, and George had talked about the days previous from now.

"Yeah, okay sap. I'll just miss you though dude.." I speak while sniffling a bit. I bring my sleeve to my face and wipe my few excess tears still slowly dripping down my face.

An announcement comes onto the airports speakers, explaining how this was the final opportunity for boarders of the flight back to Texas, sapnaps flight, to leave. The two of us sigh at that, and I watch as Sapnap grabs ahold of his few bags and stands up more straight, ready to go.

"I'll miss you too Dream- or.. clay." He smiles a bit at his little joke, and I just chuckle sadly. Sapnap was never one to call me by my real name, really just because he never really knew clay, he knew dream.

"And- I love you bro, call me later yeah?"

"Yeah, love you too."

And with that we parted ways, Sapnap boarding onto his plane and me walking back to the airports busy parking lot, sadly.

/end of flashback\

After the goodbye I finally drove back to my actual home.  I would of loved to stay with George some more, but I knew I shouldn't stay away much longer, especially when Sapnap was gone now. My mom was actually letting me in the house again too.

Another event that- kind of took place was the little plan me and the others came up with. It basically was just for the two of us to take a break from social media for some time. Really, it was just me who was desperate for a break, but Sapnap insisted that it would be best for the two of us both to leave for a little.

After a couple weeks, or however long it took to be in the right mindset again, then we would return. However I wouldn't return alone, I would show up with George.

Anyways- that leads us to present time where I was awaiting for George to come over for a stream. It's been an entire month since I last tweeted or even showed my existence to anyone of my fans. Sometimes I would sneak a look at my notifications on twitter just to see everyone freaking out. It made me sad that I couldn't cheer all these people up, but I knew I needed a mental health break.

Knock knock knock

I heard a faint knock come from downstairs and immediately knew who it could of been. I jumped up from where I was seated on my bed and immediately flung my door open only to just run down the stairs quickly.

I've been doing a lot better I would say. Even at the times where I didn't think I was doing good George would still be there to comfort me, he always knew how to cheer me up and lighten my mood. I'm also less stressed and I don't know if that has anything to do with my inactivity or not. Another positive is that I've been getting more sleep, without staying up editing all night it definitely improved my sleeping schedule.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs I saw my mom walking slowly towards the door. I quickly ran up past her and opened and unlocked the front door as quickly as I could- I didn't want her to see George first.

When I first introduced George and my parents they didn't allow him in the house. They thought he was just another online friend, and if I never told George about my career then they would of outed me right then and there. After a lot of convincing my parents finally believed me that I met George at school and that he was just a normal 'friend'.

Yeah that's a lie. Me and George's relationship has been moving smoothly so far. We are very happy with eachother and make it a goal to hang out at least once a day before we become touch starved.

"George!" I yell out as I flung the door open, revealing a startled brunette boy staring at me with huge, brown eyes.

"hi!" He giggled out followed by a soft blush rising onto his cheeks. I smile at him and then quickly grab his arm to pull him inside. Once I turn around with the boy in my grasp I come face to face with my mother.

"We're going upstairs mom." I say, watching as my mom nods before we both sprint up the nearby stairs.  When we reach the top and head into my bedroom we immediately sit on my bed and stare at eachother.

"Are you nervous- excited?"  George asks me while moving his hand so it rests on my leg.  I smile and stare at the brunette, just admiring his pretty face.  His hair seems to be extra perfect today, he's probably preparing himself just in case he's shown on stream.


"Huh?"  I snap out of my thoughts and think back to the question George asked me just a few moments ago.

"Oh yeah, I'm excited."  I reply simply, not bothering to go into depth on how I was feeling at the moment.  George still seems to be questioning my response though as he right away asks something else.

"Not nervous at all..?"  He asks while looking up into my eyes.  Wow his eyes look so magical-


"Oh, yeah kinda nervous.  What if nobody wants to watch me after I admit I'm dating a boy, or what if they got bored of waiting on me to return and just don't like me anymore?"  I ramble on, finally releasing all the worries I have about this stream.

"Clay, the real fans and real supporters will stay and if they leave then they weren't worth it.  Do you really want homophobes watching you?"  He exclaims while now rubbing his thumb on my leg smoothly.  I shake my head and watch as George smiles and then stands up, pulling me up with him as he does so.

"Then lets go find those real fans yeah?  I'm dying to meet them all."

1341 words

Next chapter might be last but don't know yet, also.. 800 READS!!  AND 9 ON DNF HASHTAG EARLIER!  THANKS SO MUCH EVERYONE IT MEANS SO MUCH TO MEEE XD

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