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George pov

"I'm Dream, George.  Me!"  The blonde in front of me yells, shocking me.  I sit there for a moment, not processing his words quite yet and instead just staring at the green eyes, looking at me sadly, with wide eyes.

"You're.." I try to get out before everything just hits me like a bus.  He's Dream.  Clays Dream.  My best friend is dream.  My crush is dream.  The boy in love with me is dream- I'm staring at Dream.

Nothing makes sense to me, how is this even real.  Clay doesn't seem like the type of person to have so much fame.  He doesn't seem like he would be the person I look up to- but he is and I'm not going to complain.

However some things do make sense to me.  The way Dream had suddenly noticed me one day, following me on twitter and even speaking with me on discord.  That was all because clay saw me in school and spiked an interest with me. 

The way Sapnap had suddenly appeared in the school parking lot one day, speaking with clay- and even laughing with him. The way clay became overprotective of how I acted towards the raven haired man. That was all because the two had been best friends for years.  That was because Sapnap flew from Texas just to see the blond. And yet I just thought it was a simple fan interaction.

I wonder how awkward it's been for clay. I'm obsessed with dream and talk about the man way too much. I've probably made him uncomfortable with all the talking, oh I'm such an idiot.

"Really..?" I question, still not totally believing the blondes words. He looks up at my face, a little shocked to hear me speak after some time. He nods his head shamefully while keeping eye contact with me. I notice another tear fall from down his cheek and my first thought was to wipe it away, so I bring my thumb to his face and get rid of the tear.

I can see clay smile sadly when I do that.

"How- how is this possible?" I stutter out, trying to find the right words to express my confusion.  The green eyes once holding eye contact with me fall to his hands and he sighs.

"I can't—don't even know George."  He speaks, while continuing to fidget with his fingers.  I grab ahold of his hands and just stare at them as well.  I softly rub my thumb over his fingers and sigh.

"You are Dream."  I confirm while looking up at the blonde once more.  He nods his head hesitantly before I pull him into a hug, shocking him a bit.

"Do you not.. hate me?"  He whispers into my hair.  I shake my head while tightening my arms around him.

"Why would I Clay?" I ask, thinking over the reasons on why I would hate him.

Maybe I would hate him because he kept such a big secret from me.  Or maybe I would hate him because he's been lying to me, but I don't believe in hating someone like this.  I believe hating on someone because they were put into a hard situation and chose what was right for them is useless.  I don't believe hating on- dream or clay, is a good idea for any circumstance.

"Because.." He starts, but doesn't seem to know what to continue on with.  I shake my head again and just focus on the blondes breathing.  I can feel the way his chest goes in and out with every breath he takes.

"Clay, how about we talk after school- yeah?" I say, trying to reason with the blonde as I realize lunch is coming to an end very shortly. He nods and wipes his face with his sleeve, supposedly wiping away the left over tears from his breakdown.

"Yeah, um—meet me at my car." He says before standing up and wiping his pants off with his hands. I smile a little and then say my goodbye to the boy before we part ways. The bell rings only a minute later informing me to head to class, so that's exactly where I end up.

After school I go straight into the parking lot, looking for a certain familiar car I haven't seen in awhile. Once I spotted it I immediately made my way to it and and knocked on the passenger side door. I could see clay inside, he looked towards my direction the second I knocked and I could also see him press a button in which supposedly unlocks the car. I gripped the handle and then sat down in the seat right away.

"Hi George." He greets me sweetly, seeming to be in a much better mood then he was previously that day. I smile and say hello while buckling my seatbelt, just incase he chooses to drive us around a bit.

"Hello!" Someone shouts from behind us. I quickly turn my head to the backseat and am met with an extremely familiar face.


"Sapnap?!" Once again I'm sounding like an overly obsessed fan by blurting out his name like that. However I don't think he minded though as he just smiled and nodded his head a little.

"Sorry George, I didn't know what to do with him.." Clay calls from beside me.  I just shake my head however and turn back to the green eyes staring me down.

"It's fine, I still want you to explain though."  I exclaim wondering if Sapnap sitting in the backseat will distract us from talking about all these new facts coming my way.

"Of course- of course." I'm relieved to hear those words, relieved to know that clay won't leave me in an unknown ditch without any reason why. Relieved to know maybe some things will start making more sense to me. So I listen and I wait patiently for when there is something else to listen to other them the three of our slow breathes.

"Y'know, I didn't lie when I said I was just some average high schooler." He begins. I feel a small smile erupt onto my face before I nod along with the boy and silently inform him to continue on. He understands and immediately starts talking once more.

"Honestly George, I feel terrible. I feel like I've lied to you about so much." He speaks softly, taking consideration into all the words that he's speaking out into the car in which is slowly being cooled by the air conditioner. I sign and shake my head, but choose not to interrupt and just allow the blonde to continue.

"When I like- Y'know came out on stream. Everyone was asking me about a love interest. And— and I feel like it's unfair that you had no idea what was going on in my mind then." He rambles on. I hesitantly bring my soft hand to clays leg and rub it with my fingers, trying to calm the boy just a bit. It seems to work as he finally takes a breathe and stops talking for a moment.

"What was going on in your mind then clay..?" I ask, wondering if he was ever going to really explain or if he was just gonna keep talking about the affects of it. He sighs and looks over to where I'm sitting and locks eye contact with me.

"George, I was thinking about you. I was thinking about how you are the one I'm interested in. You are the one in which I hope to spend my days with. You are the one everyone was talking about in chat, but they just didn't know it, and neither did you." My heart melts at the sweet words and I take note of the way both of our faces are extremely more close then they were just a minute ago.

I can feel his breath on my face.

Then I could suddenly feel his lips as well.  The kiss was filled with love it seemed. No hesitation was present and it was more needed then wanted as the two of us have had a rough few days alone. The kiss lasted a good minute before we decided to break apart before we both passed out from loss of breath.

Once we parted we stared lovingly into the others eyes.

"Do you mean that..?" I asked in a hush whisper. The blond, only a few inches away from me nodded and hummed before caressing my cheek with his thumb.

"Of course." I smiled at his words before we both went back into another much needed kiss. The two of us went unnoticed of the bare ness now present in the backseat, as the raven haired who was once seated there left just after we started talking.

I couldn't of wished for a better moment to be in currently. I'm with the love of my life, in a car, all by ourselves just expressing our admiration for the other. It's sweet.

1509 words

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