Be a Submarine

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I-400, Leadership Of Sakura Empire's Submarine Fleet Logbook:
Day 1

It's already been 1 day that i left Sakura Empire. By the fact that I was traveling on surface for 1 day and 1 night....

At a constant speed of 18 knots, or 34 Km/h, for 24 hours, I've sailed, approximately, 805 kilometers, impressive.

I was in the hangar under the conning tower, looking at both of the two last planes in the hangar while the third was flying.

Soon the plane that was flying would have to land so the miniature crane on the catapult could take it back on-board.

Then, the radio turned on, meaning that something had entered my frequency or that my radio detected radio messages.

I then went back inside and listened to the radio...

It was one of Azur Lane's communication channels, it seems like they are running a mission nearby...

Some hours ago I received radio messages from the Sakura Empire base, Lady Kaga was updating my mission's details.

The plan of the mission is to cross the Pacific, go North, pass by the Bering Strait, follow East by the Artic sea and then follow South...

Following South into the Atlantic I then had to follow North-east back to the Pacific and get back home.

Lady Kaga said that Lady Nagato told to sink every enemy ship, for now, Siren ships, that I encounter in my way...

But soon she came with more specified targets. Transporters, Battleships and Carriers...

Avoid contact with ships from other nations, contact only if necessary.

But then one of the messages snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Reporting an unknown vessel with the size that seems of a medium or heavy destroyer, though it doesn't show structures."

I felt a shiver down my spine and ran back to the tower bringing the radio with me and saw at the left back of my submarine, 4 ships.

"Affirmative, USS Sims, Sumner, Cooper and Fletcher, you are authorized to intercept, but do not open fire yet"

"Wait, I can see a figure standing on it and it doesn't look like a destroyer..."

Said the radio.

I quickly commanded the submarine to descend and ordered the plane that was flying to fly away from this location...

I told that I would get it later, soon the hangar floodgates closed and I went inside.

"Switch to eletrical engines, dive to Test Depth, now!"

The submarine creaked and alarms made their job, the lights flickered and I almost fell as the submarine dove down hard.

I heard from the radio again before it suffered interference from the water.

"Wait... is that ship... submerging?!"

"What?! Impossible! How can a submarine of that size exist?!"

"Destroyers, give it a persecution! It's trying to escape, use of fire authorized!"

I panicked as seconds later I felt a shock wave of an explosion on the water next to my submarine and it trembled, it was a cannon shot.

Soon, 20 meters, 40 meters, 60 meters as the submarine was hitting 80 meters it started to level up to a straight line.

100 meters, I sighed in relief, and then the sound that every person in this type of situation, if heard it, would get in despair.

*ping* ... *ping* ... *ping* ... *ping*

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