What Is A Loss For You?

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Next day, after the Royal Navy attack and our successfull defense against it, I was recovering myself at my room at the hotel.

I was sitting on the bed while the evening sun shone through the window.

"U-ugh... those torpedoes really made me dormant..." I mumbled, I moved my arm a little.

"I still have to get my things ready to depart from Iron Blood."

"Tch..." I sweatdropped.

I got up and walked out of my room of the hotel, when I stepped out of the door, I saw U-556, U-96, 101, 37, 47, 81 and, surprisingly, Z23.

"What are you all doing here?"

"We we're going to comemorate our successfull defense against Royal Navy by eating out, and we thought of calling you." U-37 said.

"Without you the Royal Navy ship-girls would've put an end to us..." U-47 crossed her arms.

"You don't need to thank me, It's my duty as a soldier to protect my allies." I said.

"Just accept our gratitude!" U-101 said.

I sighed and looked to Z23, she just shrugged.

"You can come." She said.

"Eh, what can I do?"

They cheered and then we left the hotel to go to a restaurant to eat before my departure. One or two hours later we arrived at a certain restaurant that was a bit crowded.

"Don't you guys think that's crowded?" I asked.

"The more the better!" U-81 said.

We walked in the restaurant and there seemed to have a party going on. We passed by the reception and I stopped to wait for them to get a table for us...

But just passed by the reception without even looking at it.


U-96 turned to me and the others stopped.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Won't you guys do the registration?"

"Uh... nein?" Z23 said

I was dumbfounded.

"We already have a table with Schnauzer, Hipper, Graf Spee, Deutschland and the others." U-47 said.

". . . I imagined."

I followed them to their table and the table or... tables were exactly were the party was going on. Everyone there was throwing a party.

I looked at one table and there was a drunk Bismarck being held by her sister, Tirpitz, Ulrich, Prinz Adalbert eating like if there was no tomorrow...

A drooling Prinz Eugen sinking into beer and teasing her sister, Hipper, Graf Spee and Deutschland exchanging sweets...

I looked at the other table and there was a drunk as fuck Schnauzer being comforted by Der Große, Roon also drinking some beer, Mainz tasting some food...

I looked at the last table and saw a hungry Nünberg, a serious Odin, Ägir, a laughing Z1 and a joking Köln.

The subs walked off leaving me and Z23 standing. I pointed to Bismarck.

"The heck?"

"It's culture, don't question." Z23 said.

I took time to process and then I shrugged. Someone approached me from the back and quickly slapped my back twice and then put their arm on my shoulder.

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