Hunter On The Prowl

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I-400, Leadership Of Sakura Empire's Submarine Fleet

Day 5

29 Hours since the last update, I've stayed hidden in my submarine doing repairs and checking the outside sometimes.

I tried to repair the radio, it worked but... I couldn't transmit, only receive or hear transmissions. At least I can hear.

But it is yet too damaged, it's not like I can intercept hidden transmissions or anything in that way, but I can still use channels.

... This is tiring, I haven't slept yet, I will only sleep once I finally finished the repairs.

I was outside this time looking around the horizon of the surrounding sea.

Very calm I'd say... I yawned once, I was pretty tired.

The repairs are almost done, just more 5 hours.

I was too tired, I barely could stay with without falling a bit to one side or another but regaining my composure milliseconds after...

I sat and leaned against a tree, the gravity would keep pulling my eyelids down but I quickly pushed them back up.

I fainted due to moderate fatigue, it's when I could see but at the same time couldn't see... these messages in my mind.

Lady Nagato said, along with Lady Amagi, that one day I would achieve certain abilities, and that I could improve them...

Improvisation: I-400 launches a torpedo into the air and hits it with his naval gun creating a smokescreen capable of hiding him and decrease 25% of the enemy's accuracy.

From The Depths: I-400, when certain of victory, can fire a stealth salvo of all 8 torpedoes that always hit their mark.

The Maiden's Orders: The Shrine Maiden's orders are absolute. Receiving orders from her in person or sorting with her gives I-400 an increase of 100% of Health, Damage and Defense.

"For the Shrine, for the Maiden, for Sakura Empire!"

I woke up startled by the sound of distant engines roaring in the skies. I have company...

I ran to the cave that submarine was and I closed the hatch of the conning tower and ordered a 5 meters dive, it was sticking out...

They could see the bow of my submarine, since my submarine is huge, that would give me away pretty easy.

I brought the periscope up and could see the planes fly by the island on the superior right side.

"Hã...? Spitfire...? The Royal Navy?"

I stopped to think I have came to the conclusion that... I might have gained some "notoriety" in Azur Lane.

Though, I still doubt that they know anything about me.

". . . Why everytime I think about Azur Lane I remember about Laffey...? It's not that I have feelings for that bunny girl but..."

"The last moment that we shared glances, I think... her face is giving me this feeling... of... guilt...?"

"Betraying a person that trusted me even if we talked with each other for 1 day and a half...?"

I looked into the periscope again and saw more planes flying by...

Yeah... Certainly there is a Fleet from the Royal Navy nearby...

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