Pink Leaves & Bloody Steel

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The sun shone throughout the clouds and the morning rose above the skies.

I was calmly taking sips of tea in the Shrine with Nagato, Mutsu and Kawakaze making me company.

Mutsu and Kawakaze were the only ones talking at the table, as for me and Nagato, we haven't said even a word.

Would we only sit and wordlessly sip our tea. I felt a gaze on me, a very attentive one, Kawakaze.

She was suspecting mine and Nagato's silence.

"Why are you all so quiet? Did the cat ate your tongue?" Mutsu said, jokingly.

Nobody answered.

"Why the silence?" She asked.

"Oh, n-nothing... it's just... I don't have much thing to say, well, aside from the party of yesterday." I said.

"Like Takao chasing a cat for stealing her and her sister's food?" Kawakaze exemplified.

"What? Did she chase a cat?" Nagato broke her silence, curious about this certain event.

"Yea, she did. The cat ran away." I said.

Nagato giggled.

"I wish I could've seen that" She said.

Mutsu sighed and got up.

"Aight! I'm going to get more cookies." She walked off, looking for more cookies.

That left me, Nagato and Kawakaze at the table. Not even a single word was said... until...

"Why were both of you so quiet except for the last minute?" Kawakaze spoke.

"U-uh, nothing." I stuttered.

"Yes, nothing..." Nagato followed.

There was silence for a moment.

"Uh-huh..." Kawakaze said.

Then, Mutsu finally came back holding a plate with more cookies.

"My savior-"

I sipped my tea one last time and remembered something.

"Hey, Mutsu, what time is it?" I asked.

"8:23, why?"

"It's almost time, I have to ready myself to go to Iron Blood, the girls must be almost ready."

"Hm, you're going somewhere?" Kawakaze asked.

"Not that I really wanted to, Prinz Eugen invited me and I accepted... without deeper thinking."

"Though, I think there might be some interesting things." I finished.

"Well, I wish you a good vacation, Y/N." Nagato spoke.

"Me too!" Mutsu said.

"Me as well." Kawakaze followed.

"Thank you all." I got up

"Bye, girls." I waved goodbye walking off.

"Goodbye." The three of them said.

I left the Shrine and went to the docks to set the things up for the trip, you know, food, ammunition... just in case... some clothing and daily things.

The things were almost done and I was almost ready to depart, I heard some steps behind me and when I turned back I saw some people approaching me.

Akagi, Kaga, Ayanami, my sisters, Zuikaku and the Iron Blood girls. My sisters came up to me.

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