The Cold As A Friend

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I-400, Leadership Of Sakura Empire's Submarine Fleet

Day 3

I Don't know my exact location anymore.

I haven't seen the Hawaii, a vessel, neither received any radio transmission.

I was still thinking about what Lady Kaga said, Lady Amagi was sick.

I failed Lady Amagi...

I tried and shook it off and focus on my mission.

It was a normal day, the skies were clear, the sea was calm and I was on the conning tower of the submarine holding my binoculars.

It has been 28 hours since my escape from the Azur Lane Base, I got the documents and left them at my chamber.

I was checking the horizon and I ordered the sonar to turn on and almost instantly I dropped the binoculars and held my ears...

That instant, a big deafening noise that I'm sure that anything alive at a distance of 3 kilometers could hear it clearly...

I quickly looked at the sonar before turning it off and I saw a huge group of dots formed with a number of 55 ships.

At 8 kilometers and getting nearer, we would cross paths, I quickly turned it off, trembling of fear, I ordered periscope depth.

I rushed inside and rose the periscope staying alert at the horizon. I was sweating.

I then see the huge fleet of siren ships heading to my port, but some of the ships were damaged and minutes later, impacts occur...

Shell impacts to be more exact, I then turn my periscope to the direction of where they are coming from and I see more ships.

But one thing that I notice is... that they aren't siren ships, they seem like ships of the Eagle Union. I decide to maintain position.

I keep on watch until the Fleet of the Eagle Union made up of 15 ships.

I see mostly destroyers and battleships, I can't recognise them though... I can sense an aura that every ship would know...

Among the 3 carriers in the group, two of them are alike but one of them is the most outstanding.

She held a bow, wore a white naval commander cap, white sleeveless shirt a outer black and inner red cape with sleeves...

A black tie, black skirt with golden lines at the borders, black high knee socks and black heels...

It was her, I could doubt any longer, I am facing one of, if not, the finest Aircraft Carrier in the world.

"USS Enterprise... Grey Ghost..."

I felt sudden urges of loading all 8 torpedo tubes... though I resisted, staying aware of my mission.

I put my hand on my eyes rubbing them for a bit and sighed once and when I look back into the periscope...

A siren ship is coming towards me, I panicked...


I shouted and 15 seconds later I hear the hatch of the torpedo open and launch the torpedo followed by the sound of the closing hatch.

I saw some of the shipgirls aiming for this siren ship when suddenly a column of water rises next to the ship followed by an explosion.

When I saw their faces of surprise and getting more alert, I summoned my rigging, at 12 meters under the surface...

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