United We Stand

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This day is going to be the biggest and most important day of all of our lives, because this day, the last battle, the battle that will decide humanity's fate... will start.

A massive Azur Lane fleet was formed to take head on the Orochi, everyone was determined to put an end to this war.

I know that Sakura Empire put a enormous effort into this project, but now it proved to be in vain, something is certainly strange...

The sun shone above our heads, the, the hull of our ships sliced through the waves, the wind was moderate, and our hopes were high.

I was accompanying Javelin, Ayanami, Laffey and Unicorn with Illustrious. Belfast and Enterprise were talking about something on the deck of the USS Enterprise.

"Hm." Ayanami muttered.

I turned to her in curiosity, Javelin approached and held her hand, Ayanami gasped and turned to her.

"It's gonna be fine." She said.

"We got this, it's all good..." Laffey said, thumbing up.

I smiled at their support, we turned back noticing Unicorn and her unicorn plush next to her.

"And U-chan will protect us too!" She said with her hands glued to her chest and looking down to her plush.

The plush, somehow alive like a real animal, nodded. Ayanami nodded back, now seeming more confident.

"May it be on the sky or on the water, I will support you guys as well." I said, spinning my stick and then landing it on my shoulder.

They smiled at me and retrieved on the same way, explosions started to go off on the skies behind me, I quickly turned back.

The skies were trembling, they were being filled with grey and black clouds, some of us were in confusion and awe.

But soon we realized why a battle started even before we arrived, the Crimson Axis was picking a fight with the Sirens before the Azur Lane came.

So that means that the Sakura Empire is already reacting!

The battle grew intense as the Azur Lane approached, the Sakura Empire was the first faction to engage the Siren fleet, their vanguard was advancing.

The Sakura Empire planes were ferociously battling against the advanced Siren planes, they kept fighting in spite of their technological disadvantage.

Shigure, Yukikaze and Yuudachi moved forth without fear.

"Alright, just leave everything to the famous Yukikaze!" She said, confidently.

Yuudachi roared.

"I'm gonna fight them!" Yuudachi yelled and both Yuudachi and Yukikaze advanced.

Shigure was being left behind.

"Don't get too far ahead of me!" Shigure cried.

Suddenly they started to get bombarded, the impacts on the water were splashing against them, one of them took Yuudachi.

"What happened?! Was that a cannon?!" Yukikaze was confused.

When they recovered themselves they looked up and faced a group of battleship Sirens, all of them were similar to Tester.

"What cute little guests we have, let's see what kind of data we can collect from them." Said the Siren with her voice tone constantly changing.

"Battleship Sirens." Shigure realized and said to the others.

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