When Land Earns The Sun

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The sun enlightened the Azur Lane Base, the birds... and manjuus... chirped, Me, Javelin, Ayanami and Unicorn were enjoying out time togheter in the dormitory.

"Who came first, the chicken or the egg?" I asked

"The egg!" Unicorn and Javelin. responded.

"Wrong, the chicken."

"Eh?! What?! Aw..." Javelin whined, leaning down.

"We can't be right everytime." Unicorn commented, looking up.

"See? Unicorn knows how to lose." I said.

Javelin brought herself up and she was almost tearing up, angry as heck.

"I stop."

Suddenly we start hearing Grey Ghost yells, we turned to the staircase and there she was, being pulled by Belfast who was pulling Grey Ghost's tie.

"What's happening?!" She yelled.

Northampton, Arizona and Helena who were also present were perplexed.

"Stop that! Belfast, are you listening to me?!"

Javelin turned to me and Ayanami and then to Unicorn.

"Is she... in danger?" She asked.

"That was strange." Ayanami commented.

"Yea, that was something." I said.

"She's never like that, what's wrong with Belfast?" Unicorn wondered.

Laffey approached us, yawning.

"Morning... overslept..." She rubbed her eyes.

"No surprise." I said getting up and sighing.

"I'm going to eat, I will see you girls soon."

I went to the cafeteria to get something to eat, I walked up to the counter, I saw a commotion going on over a table.

I tilted my head to see it, looks like Belfast was trying to make the Grey Ghost eat proper food instead of just rations.

The Grey Ghost was being insistent to not eat it.

"I said eat." Belfast said, slightly increasing her voice tone.

"Sure, fine." The Grey Ghost gave up and started eating, slowly.

Belfast sighed.

"Good, if you would eat decent meals regularly, your wouldn't be preoccupied with negative thoughts." She said.

The Grey Ghost kept eating the food, slowly.

"As I mentioned before, I don't believe you're as invested in fighting wars as you claim to be."

"You're right, in truth, I think I might actually be afraid of the ocean." The Grey Ghost answered.

That confused me a little, I bit my lips, thinking about that and narrowing my eyes a little. Something knocked on the counter, making me flinch.

I turned around it was Nevada.

"You again, kid?" She said.

I remembered about the first time, when I was infiltrating the base.

I brought my hand up.

"I'm sorry for tricking you..." I apologized.

"Hm, you're really sorry?"

"Yes I am."

She stared at me for what felt like one minute.

"Alright! One food tray coming right up!" She said with a smile.

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