Something Quite Important

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Time has passed.

The battle ended.

The war continues.

Sides prevail.

Lives fall.

. . .

'What's the meaning of life?'

A question that no one, yet, dared to answer.

It can be highly comprehended as a rhetorical question, because, that's much of a vague question.

Complex, yet easy. Simple, yet hard.

. . .

Oh... I've been thinking too much...

I'm sorry...


We've just spotted our base up ahead.

We're preparing ourselves to dock, and we met up with Lady Akagi and Kaga a few hours ago.

I am currently at my own submarine, cleaning the propeller from one of the last two planes that I store in my hangar.

I wasn't paying attention but I knew we were close.

Then I heard the voice of Prinz Eugen behind me while I was cleaning the propeller.

"Deary~, Ich think it would be wise to pay attention to your destination, you will have plenty of time from that when wir dock."
(I / We)

I stopped for a moment and then I looked back facing the docks and Prinz Eugen standing at the right frontal ruder.

I sighed and let go of the sponge that I was using to clean the plane.

"Ah, and~... Akagi told me to tell you. Dock over there." She pointed at a space between the places where Ayanami and Lady Kaga would dock.

"But... I have the submarine hangar."

"You can talk about this with her later, but now, that's what she said." She shrugged.

"Fine." I said under my breath, giving up.

She floated off and I maneuvered my submarine to dock at that space. I passed by Lady Kaga's Carrier and Ayanami crossed in front of me.

The first one's to dock were Ayanami and Z23, then me, Lady Kaga, Akagi and Prinz Eugen.

Miss Shoukaku and Zuikaku docked far, at the other side of the docks.

I think Miss Zuikaku is upset since she wasn't able to beat the Grey Ghost... the Royal Navy had to interrupt...

I walked out from my submarine by a bridge connecting both and Prinz Eugen, Ayanami, Lady Akagi and Kaga were already ahead.

I caught up to them and I saw people approaching the docks.

Kako, Furutaka, Miss Souryuu, Miss Hiryuu, my Sisters, Yukikaze, Shigure and Yuudachi.

Kako approached Akagi and Kaga.

"Welcome home, Akagi."

"Good to see you, Kako, Furutaka."

"Did anything important occur in our absence?" Lady Kaga asked.

"No, not really. Although, Nagato wishes to speak with you, Akagi." Kako answered.

"I know, thank you. I will report to her now."

When Kako said that, I remembered what I have been thinking for the time and started to walk with quick pace.

"Thank you for remembering me about Lady Nagato, Kako!"

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