The Land Of The Rising Sun

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I-400, Leadership Of Sakura Empire's Submarine Fleet

Day 6

11 hours since the last update.

The plane that was following that ship is already being packed up and in that meantime I have been wondering...

If... one day I could have a melee weapon just like Miss Takao, Zuikaku and The Demon.


I wouldn't want a sword, a stick would be nice, I guess.

So then I wouldn't have to worry about close combat.

Well... it's just my imagination, I might never get one.

One of the motives is... someone that monopolizes the selling, importation and exportation of Sakura Empire...

I won't cite names...

Anyways, it is still night, but soon the sun will rise.

The radio lit up and the static sound caught my attention, I ran underneath to the communication room.

It synchronized with a communication channel of Azur Lane.

"How is the reconnaissance going?" - AL

"Nothing yet, Unicorn says that her planes get nothing as well." - ???

"So no signals of both. The submarine and the new Bismarck ship? Bloody hell, Illustrious..."
- AL

"Yes, quite disappointing, it is going to be difficult for us to win this war that devastates humanity." - HMS Illustrious Fleet

For an instant there was running in the background of Azur Lane's transmission. Then a low voice said.

"Miss Wales, Amagi's Fleet has returned and they reported that they've seen the Bismarck ship on their fight against Sirens." - AL 2

"Coordenates?" - AL 1

"10 degrees North, 330 degrees West from Greenwich Meantime." - AL 2

"Also, some of the members, Northampton, Portland and Acasta claim to have seen a periscope during the engagement." - AL 2

"Alright, Assemble an Attack Fleet to go find these two ships and capture them!" - AL 1

"Oh, it seems like I will miss a bit of action, would you like my Fleet to assist as well?"
- HMS Illustrious Fleet

"No Illustrious, we could need you to keep the scouting around the Atlantic, Just in case these ships try to flee." - AL

"My my. Understood, see you soon Prince Of Wales."
- HMS Illustrious Fleet

The transmission ended.

That made me thoughtful.

Of course my disguise and the cover that Sakura Empire is providing me won't last for too long.

I have to be more careful from here on.

Anyways. I my estimated time of arrival at the Indian Sea is 9 hours. From there I might get support from Sakura Empire Fleets.

Then the rest of the voyage will be a piece of cake.

I've already passed by South Africa and by Madagascar Island, now I have to keep my course to the Indian Sea.

Estimated time... 8 hours.

I activated the sonar and after 2 updates, I could see dots right ahead.

83km... 79km... 70km... and closing up.

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