It's My Way To Be

859 16 14

Kinai's coat zipper was ripped from her clothing and rested on the water, Sasebo took it before it dissapeared below the sea with Kinai's body...

She pushed the zipper against her chest a little, crying, but trying to dry her tears and continue the fight for our sister's sake.

My heart was shattered, losing my youngest sister is something I will never forget... and something... that I will never forgive.

The shadow of my hair was covering my eyes but my tears were visible still... I couldn't control myself anymore...


"You... will pay for this..."

A Siren pierced the formation and lunged at Kure.

"Y/N! NO!" Javelin screamed.

Kure's naval gun and AA guns quickly trailed at the Siren before she could even get a centimeter closer to him, they opened fire.

After that, the Siren was simply erased from the face of Earth, nothing was left of the Siren that pierced the formation.

Another explosion hit the Orochi, the Orochi didn't stop leaning to the side, it was already sinking.

"Looks like that's our call to retreat..." a Siren mumbled.

All the Siren ships were already destroyed, but the remaining humanoid Sirens started to retreat.

They were too fast for Azur Lane to catch up with them. Enterprise held Akagi by her hand, not letting her fall.

"You're safe now, I got you." Enterprise spoke to Akagi, she started to cry.

Kure's head turned to them and then, they turned to the disappearing image of Amagi, some people started cheering.

Amagi's mouth moved, she seemed to talk, while gazing at Akagi, by her lip movement, they knew what she said. She said "Thank you...".

"And same to you, my dear sister Amagi..." Akagi spoke as the image of Amagi dissipated.

Away from there, the remaining Sirens, Observer, Tester, and Purifier's head watched.

"Very impressive, Azur Lane. Well done, Crimson Axis. I suppose I can allow you to win this round." Observer said.

Purifier's head quickly got in her moment, making fun of Observer, she laughed.

"Someone's a sore loser!" She said.

Observer growled a little and used one of her tentacles to spin Purifier's head by her hair, like a propeller.

"AaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAAAA!" Purifier kept screaming.

"Be honest, you never intended to sacrifice the Orochi." Tester questioned her partner.

"They've surpassed our expectations yet again and we must welcome it. For now, humanity..." She moved her hand to her cheek.

"Still has a future..."

More and more people started to cheer and comemorate the union of all of the major members of Azur Lane once again.

Now the only enemy remaining were the Sirens, no more human faction, no more unnecessary war against their own type.

. . .

". . . It's not over yet... there's still one untied tip for me to take care of..."

"H-huh...?" Sasebo asked.

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