The Beginning Of The End

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The morning flooded the base, it was already time to wake up and start another day of my life, although this day is going to have a surprise that I didn't even imagine.

I was already stretching outside, I looked back and saw the Grey Ghost leaving the building while Belfast was standing on the door.

"Won't you have breakfast first?" Belfast said and her voice echoed since the area was silent.

"No, thank you."

"Enterprise, I insist, if you want to lead a healthy human life, you need breakfast! It's the most important meal." Belfast insisted.

"Just stop!"

I flinched when the Grey Ghost said that, I wasn't expecting for her to yell.

"I'm not an idiot, Belfast. I know I'm not human, no reason to pretend otherwise." She said walking away from the dormitory.

I stopped stretching and looked at her, she noticed I was staring at her and she stopped walking.

"Is there something wrong?" She asked.

"No, fortunately. Why won't you have breakfast?"

"Rations are all I need. We are ships, not humans, but I've been having with my healing lately."

I was shocked at what she said.

"Matte... Nani?"
(Wait what)

"What is it?" She asked

"So... all this time that we fought... you weren't at your fullest?!"

"Yes, you're right."

"Then, what was that of two days ago?" I asked.

She stayed silent for a little.

"I... don't know how to explain..." She looked to the side, a little mix of confusion and guilt was on her eyes.

I sweatdropped at that, I tried to ignore.

"A-anyways, I will be taking my leave." I said, trying to get distance from her.

"Alright, I will see you another time."

We took our own paths and I still with what she said on my mind, how can she fight worn-out like that?

And if even she confirms that she's not fully okay, from where did she get that strength in the battle of he Artic?

So many questions but no answers. Javelin told me that they were going to be at the steam room, so I am obviously not going there...

Akashi said that she's busy with something, Azur Lane trusts her a lot since they found out that she didn't know anything about the Orochi itself...

And because she was nearly killed by Observer when she followed a cat of hers to within the cave where Orochi rested.

I sighed.

"I wonder how Sakura Empire is... now that I'm gone, Ayanami, Akashi... and... Akagi..." I said this last name with a weight on my heart.

I kept walking until someone poked my shoulder, I stopped and looked back, Cleveland was standing behind me.

"Hey, they're calling you." She said.

"Huh? Why?"

"To ask you about the cube, you must know something, since we know you were a close person to Kaga and Akagi you should know something."

"Uh, right..."

"I'll take ya there." She waved and started walking, I followed her.

While we walked I kept watching her, and I couldn't let her style pass unnoticed, the way she acted and else... she reminds me of...

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