🍋Heavens' Golden Night🍋

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Warning, this chapter contains sexual content and vulgar language.

These things are not suitable for children.

If you are a minor, it's not recommended that you read this chapter.

This chapter will not contain any significant information for the comprehension of the story, so if you want to skip this chapter without the fear of losing plot information, you can.

All characters exhibited here are 18 years or older.

You have been warned.


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I suspected that something bad happened. I started to follow the trail of papers. Until I arrived at the building where me, my Sisters, and the other submarines would stay. The trail ended at the entrance of the building. I counted 24 or 25 pieces of paper. I entered and I started looking around the halls and floors for her. I don't think she would be in one of the rooms, if she came here by own. The building had 5 floors and when I arrived at the 4th floor, I noticed that one of the doors was open.


I rushed inside the room and the lights were off. I looked around and didn't see her.

"Maybe she is in one of the bathrooms...", I mumbled to myself.

I opened my bathroom and the lights were on. She wasn't there. I left the door open and went to my Sisters' bathroom.

"God dammit... where is she?!"

I looked down for a while,

surrounded by the silence.

Then I heard a low noise... The rustle of blankets, "Huh?"

I looked back to my Sisters' bed, it was empty, I looked at mine and saw that there was something under the blanket.

It moved and then two Kitsune ears popped out. They twitched.

I sighed, in relief. I walked closer.

"Nagato? What are you doing here? Are you oka-"

She moved the blankets and she showed her body.


She was staring at me with narrowed eyes, intense blush and a bit of sweat. Just then, 5 seconds later, I was the new definition of "red".

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