Behind Enemy Lines

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I-400, Leadership Of Sakura Empire's Submarine Fleet

Day 4

Our friend was on a sticky situation, he would be visited by the various girls, Z23 suggested to change his position, then...

Tied by iron chains on the a wall, still, looking down to the floor and to his morale, dead eyes. Seems like it's been an eternity.

alone, he is not, just as someone enters to feed their prisoner, a well known mortherly figure in Ironblood...

KMS Friederich Der Große

Remember, they are still in the way back to the Azur Lane Base. The countries have separated, but the Navy have rebelled.

For I-400 luck, this time Roon was at the bridge with Z23 and Prinz Eugen while Tirpitz and Graf Spee were still outside.

"Let's go... say Aaaahh~..."

Said Friederich trying to feed me while I didn't even bothered to look at her.

". . . My child, you might be hostile to me but I still sympathize with you, though that doesn't mean I will lower my guard..."

"Here, you must stay healthy."

"When was the last time you ate before we found you?"

She asked and I stayed quiet for a while.

". . . 11 Hours ago."

She, in a little tone of surprise, answered

"Even if you are a ship, you still have a human body, that needs to be taken care of..."

"If you'd like, we could give you certain permissions or tell you things, of course, if you behave."

I looked up in interest and spoke.

"I only want to know, how far are we from your base and where are we..."

She replied in a tone of confidence and victory pushing her hands that were holding food up to me with a smile.

"Then... open your mouth~..."

I admitted defeat at this one and rolled my eyes.

She looked at my face for a moment before taking a spoon of rice and chicken that she was holding in a small portion.

I was impressed that they would give a prisoner and possible enemy, real food, my appreciation though, was cut by her attitude.

A motherly attitude by the way, that was cringey for me...

I opened my mouth a bit and she said.

"Hier comes the plane~..."

Landed the spoon in my mouth and took it out after I held the food in.

I felt my cheeks hot... probably by her motherly way, she might be the motherly figure of Iron Blood. She giggled.

"Does my attitude embarrass you, my child?"

She said and I answered.

"No one expects the people that maintain you in gaol, treat you like their so- uh- daughter..."

She was a bit confused because of my mistake in words but she let it pass by.

"Now... you know what's the next move."

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