0.8 Luca Diaz (mature Content) - She Is My Star

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I was in a meeting with Irish mafia when he suddenly asked me a question that I wasn't expecting him to ask me „listen since I know you have maids do you wanna share?" I was looking him dead in the eyes.

„what?" „well you have a very pretty
maids.. Correctly a maid.. So I don't think it would matter to you so I'll give 1.5 $ if u give me the maid."
Was he talking about Sophie the first thought that came to my head was. „you care about them?" he asked curiously.

„no. Let's go." we got up ant started walking to the maid's dining room where they All were called. I walked in the dining room. With my eyes I was searching for Sophie. And there she was. Standing shyly.

I looked at Matthew. He was scanning the the room with his eyes and then his eyes stopped on Sophie. I felt like killing him right there. „that one" he pointed at Sophie. I kept my cold expression on my face.

„no." I said. „so you care about them?" he scoffed. „no." „the give her to me. It's more $2.0 millions." I deeply inahaled. „no and that's the final answer. 2 millions isn't enough." I stood up.

„and she isn't a maid. I have no idea what Is she doing between the maids. All in all I don't do human trafficking anymore. So get your filthy hands off my people." I said more angrily. „alright I got u gone soft. Its all good." he chuckled. „I'll go now, till the next month". He said and left.

I looked her in the eyes and said. „I expect you to be in my office in 20 minutes. And bring breakfast with you, for me and you." with that I left.

I got back to my office. I sat down on my chair and spread my legs wide to get more comfortable.

Yesterday was something I wasn't expecting. I got angry, I yelled at Sophie and then kicked her out. But I don't like the feelings that she gives me.

But I'm sure it is just her figure. I was deep in my thoughts when I heard a knock on my door. It was my kitten. I got up and Opened the door. There she was standing. Looking better than always.

With that innocent look in her eyes. Or maybe she's innocent? maybe I was the only man that ever touched her. And that idea made me more satisfied than I already was with her.

„come in" her table was close to mine. If shes my assistant we will work together. She wants that or not. I own her.

„this is your table." she put her plate on her table and mine plate on mine table. I didn't like it. „put your plate on my table. Let's eat together." I said and sat down. She sat at the opposite side of the table.

We made eye contact for the second and she looked at her food. I started eating. It was a moment of slinice but it didn't take long until she broke it „so what excatly am I gonna be doing now, Mr. Diaz?" she asked still looking at her food.

„well I don't know yet, you will have to read some documents, some shit about finance and sometimes go on the mission with us and seduce men." she sighed. „okay." that's all she said.

It's been 30 minutes. She still hasn't touched her food and it's getting on my nerves. „if you won't start eating the food that is in front of you right now you won't get any food for the next 4 days."

She looked at me but she didn't say anything. Some kind of emotions where in her eyes. I felt like I could see the pain in her eyes for a second but she looked down at her plate.

She didn't touch the food. It pissed me off easier than I thought. I never saw me as a short-tempered person but right now it was the last straw. I took the plate and put it in the trash.

She didn't do anything. She just said „you know some people doesn't have food to eat and you throw it in a trash." I scoffed „and you're the one who doesn't appreciate what she has. Spoiled fucking child."

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