32. Luca Diaz - Kidnapped

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I woke up with Sophie in my arms. Yesterday I railed her.

I looked at her neck it was all covered in hickey I looked down at her chest and there was a bruise.

Well what am I expecting? I slapped it. I kissed her forhead and smiled.

„what time it is, Luca?" Sophie whispered.

I took my phone and checked the time. It was 10 a.m.

„it's 10 a.m, baby." I said.

With that the doors opened and I saw the same guy from yesterday. Max. I glared at him.

„what are you doing here?" I asked him.

„well boss told me to come and check on both of you since Sophie wasn't in her room but as I see you two are busy" he said looking at Sophie's hickeys.

„yes we are busy, so why are you still standing here, huh? Don't you have work to do?" Sophie hissed at him.

He rolled his eyes and left.

„he's annoying" I said.

„we missed breakfast and I'm hungry" she pouted like a little child.

„well I can call a maid in here to get you breakfast but I'm not sure if you will be okay with her seeing you in all these hickeys." I said and chuckled.

She shook her head „no, you go downstairs and get me food, there will be my plate and I'm pretty sure there will be yours too." she said slapping my arm.

„okay, okay I'm up."

I grabbed one of the black sweet pants and walked downstairs. It might not be mine house but if they expect me to wear a suit in the morning instead of sweet pants, man, you all wrong.

I got downstairs and I heard them talking in the dinning room. Well I have to pass the dining room to reach the kitchen.

„morning, Luca" I heard Antonio say. „mhmm" I murmed back.

I didn't feel like making y'all a conversation with any of them so without any other works I entered the kitchen. On the counter I saw 2 plates of food. I took it.

I was about to leave the kitchen when Antonio gave me a death stare and said „put the food on the table and get her ass here."

„no. She wants to eat in bed." I told him.

„or is she just doesn't want us to see the hickeys that you gave her?" he hissed.

„or you should stop listening to a traitor?" I said. I knew I shouldn't have of said it like that.

Now he knows we know.

„w-what?" Antonio said offended.

„you heard me." I said. „Sophie heard him talking on the phone." I added.

Max didn't even try to defend himself he just ran outside and chuckled. One of the man tried to aim his gun at him but he missed it. „fuck." and then we heard a scream from upstairs.


Without thinking twice I started running upstairs. I tried to open the door. It was locked from inside.

„SOPHIE!" I screamed.

„LUC-" someone cut her off.

I tried to break the damn door. „FOR FUCKING GOD'S SAKE RUN OUTSIDE!" I yelled at one of his men.

I promised her everything will be fine. And now she's getting fucking kidnapped.

I broke the door. Sophie wasn't here anymore. The window was open. I grabbed my gun and heard someone scream „They are driving off!"

No shit. That's not happening.

I was running outside when I did I saw some of my men driving after the car.

I sat in one of their cars without talking to them, so they too. And drove off after the car.

They are not taking my Sophie. I was driving on 180. It still wasn't fast it enough. The speed was getting higher and higher. First 260, now 330."

I reached them and tried to aim the gun at the driver but before I could everything went black.

My body was in pain. Everything hurted. I couldn't move. I couldn't open my eyes. I could hear an abulence. I felt people picking me up.

I need to open my eyes and to go safe Sophie. But I can't.

Did I just got into a car accident at the worst time possibly?

I know it's short, okay? The next one will be longer I promise.

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Titkok: _mafiastoriesra

Words: 730

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