My mama's love was toxic so that is the only type of love I have ever known that is why when they tell me leave him I can't bring myself to
My mama would always transfer her aggression gotten from the endless disappointments from life to me
Me who can't talk ,me who can't react ,me who is weak me who is useless
Useless I can't count how many times I have heard that but at least my toxic doesn't call me useless
No matter what I do I will still be useless to you so why try at least my toxic says nice things to appreciate my effort
Can't you do better how much more can I do please tell me at least my toxic never expects much from me
Do others have two heads how much larger does my head have to be before you get it
Not enough how much more should I be to my toxic and you mama
Mama please tell me you love me from your heart cos when you say it its like you are just saying it because I threw a tantrum
Hold me like I am your daughter, honestly my toxic holds me better than you do
How much more can I take mother

Poetry For The Broken
Poetrycollection of my written poetry if you are sad it might make you sadder