obvious wasn't it

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From the start i knew he was stuck on her
By her I mean his ex
He couldn't go a day without posting about her
He always sounded like a  love sick puppy who was abandoned by his master
It really was annoying but I had formed some sort of attachment to that fool
Who could I blame tho, except myself
I had know this from the start his constant obsessing over her
Yet I had stood by him hoping one day maybe soon or now he would get over her
I was delusional to think a dog would ever leave it master
Who was I to think so little of his devotion to her
What a hopeless thought
The day he said he loved me sounded more like a friend's love but I attached more meaning to it
I thought finally he was seeing me as me
Bless my mistaken heart
What a hapless case of a love triangle.

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