To me, an apple is a symbol of love.
The first time you cut apples for me, I could feel it — each piece sliced with care.
The next day, I planted an apple tree just because you loved them;
It made me realize how every little thing you love matters to me.
I noticed how you lovingly watered the apple tree, and it made me smile.
When I look at our apple tree, I still smile, even though you're no longer here.
At times, I remember how much you cared for it, so I can't help but care for it too.
I remember how you'd ask me to pluck an apple for you,
A gentle request, a memory that lingers like morning dew.
Even though our love has faded, my feelings were as true as our tree,
And even if you no longer love me, I look at it with quiet affection.
Deep down, I desperately wish our love was as lasting as an apple tree.
Each season it grows, bearing the weight of care we shared,
Its roots a reminder of what was tenderly spared.
Through sun and rain, it stands as we once did,
Unmoved by time, by sorrow undivided.
I sometimes wonder, as I watch its steady bloom,
If love could endure, just as it fills this room,
In the leaves that whisper of a love that once grew strong.

Poetry For The Broken
Poetrycollection of my written poetry if you are sad it might make you sadder