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Here we go again throwing things raising our voices
You yell at me I yell at you
Here we go again holding on to each other in false pretense of love
My favorite color is blue your favorite color is black
They say opposite attract but we are far too contrast to ever blend in
You say you love me I know it's a lie
Yet I am far too weak to do without you
You promise to change I promise to be patient but we are way too similar when it comes to lies
I say don't put your feet on the table where we eat you tell me do not talk with food In Your mouth But we are both too stubborn to admit our bad habits
But when you hold me and trail kisses on my back it feels so sweet almost like love
your scent a smell I'm addicted to
But we are both snakes shedding our skin little by little exposing each disgusting things about us
You tell me you hate the way I slouch when I walk I tell you I hate it when you pick your nose
We both know no one can love us like we love each other so we hold on even when we know there is no use hanging on

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