When you said you wanted a break you were true to your feelings, but if only you knew
Your sentence was short and your tone bored
But if only you knew
I fell apart that day not not like the gentle drops of rain when it's settling
I fell apart like the heavy taps of rain on a roofing sheet
There was nothing gentle about your words to me it felt like a hurricane sweeping carelessly through my world and tearing things apart
I could do nothing but nod my head with a smile on my face
I wonder how Dorothy felt
I could do nothing but say Ha
I was completely useless against your reasoning even tho I could never understand why you would say that to me
Ha the sound that comes after a sigh became my favorite sound
Constantly I brood alone and say Ha
I wasn't born yesterday I know what taking a break meant
Perhaps did I not love you enough
Should I have offered you my soul so you know how hard I tried
Ha, this is so messed up but what can I do
Does it bother you that we no longer make plans together?
Did you notice I texted less? Or perhaps was that what you wanted
A situation where I slowly disappear From your life.

Poetry For The Broken
Poetrycollection of my written poetry if you are sad it might make you sadder