Not to remember

22 1 0

He raped me
He was my friend
He said he wouldn't hurt me in anyway
Every touch left me in pain
He kept saying he loved me
He hurt me
I tried to ignore the feelings of sadness
I saw him, he acted like he normally does
I felt everything but here he was talking like none of it happened. I was the only one hanging unto the pain he caused
I couldn't get the image of what he did out of my head
I thought of death
It was all my fault trusting him wasn't it .?
I hurt myself
I kept putting myself in situations
I have a lot to say but who would listen
After all I was the one who put myself in the position for him to do it,

It was wrong to go to a boys house alone I have been told
I wanted him to feel the way I did
He has moved on ,he even has a girlfriend, she is beautiful
He ruined me
How dare he be happy!
I wanted change
I cut my hair
I still felt the same
I tried to write on paper reasons to live
I couldn't
I don't want to remember
So i put myself to sleep forever.

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