Incase you wake up one morning and you are reminded of me I hope you remember how I smiled whenever you gave my forehead a kiss
I hope you remember how my hand fit right with yours
I hope you remember how I smell of roses and freshly baked goods
I hope you remember every single detail about me like the birthmark beside my lip
Incase my heart stops beating I hope you know it wasn't your fault that we didn't work out no matter how hard we tried
I hope you don't dwell on what could have been
I hope you realize I didn't ignore you because I didn't love you but just because I found it hard to communicate
I hate talking about the bad things because I feared it would escalate the problem but the problem was me , my strong headedness and unwillingness to communicate
I hope you don't grow to hate me because I could never hate you for leaving no matter how hard I tried
I hope you don't regret your decision because to me it was for the best
I was dragging us down and to be honest it kind of made me happy that you let me go even if it broke me in the worst way possible
We were bad for each other
My coldness was too cold for anyone so I understand but Incase my heart stops I wanted you to know there was never a day I stopped loving you .

Poetry For The Broken
Poetrycollection of my written poetry if you are sad it might make you sadder