Do you care now

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Do you care now that my heart no longer beats
Do you care now that you realize it is too late
Do you care now when in the past you watched me cry myself to sleep
Do you care now that you can no longer call my name
Do you care now that you can never see me
What would you give to hear my voice again when you previously claimed my voice was annoying
Do you wish your last words to me were pleasant
Do you wish to say goodbye
Do you care now that I am all bones
Do you care that my last word to you was I hate you
Do you wish you could have spoken to me longer
Would you have wished to hold me a little longer in your arms
Do you wish you had accepted my invitation to come over
Does it bother you that you could have done something but you didn't
Do you wish you noticed the double meaning in every word I said
Do you wish you noticed how my smile never reached my eyes anymore
Do you wish you said sorry instead of letting your pride get the best of you
Do you care?
And most especially do you wish you could turn back time

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