When I finally let go

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When I finally let go instead of sailing in this untameable sea don't ask why I didn't raise a flag surrendering
When I get too tired to tell the sailor to raise the ensign I hope you still know it's me
When my ship sways from side to side I hope you notice and help me and if you don't I hope you don't blame me when I capsize
The sea is a monster and I am just a little captain in the middle of the sea
The sea roars and I can only give instructions
I drink and party with my crew to find a sense of belonging
My boatswain is inactive and I a seasick captain
It's so hard to navigate this fearless sea we call life
I have way too much cargo on my ship so it is bound to sink
I have no third mate to make sure everything is in order
So when I finally let go don't blame me too much
It was never possible for all hands to be on deck
I am only a captain with a ship after all

Feel like I had to explain because it is very vague
Captain is just human
Sea is life
Letting go is giving up on life
Cargo is basically too much problems and trauma
Boatswain is the mind (depression
All hands on deck is just simply the inability of his/her body to function properly

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