part 1

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beep beep 

I opened my eyes to see my purple curtains letting the light shine through. 'may need to change these curtains' I thought. I sat at the side of my bed stretching. My phone went out letting me know that i have a text message, 'I guess Maxy is at the gym again' I said in my mind.

He is the morning person in our friend group. He is always going to the gym, he is gay but he always like to be muscular and strong. he said a man also likes having a strong and handsome man like the ladies do. i picked up my phone to look at the message.

maxy boy:❤️

hello my sweet pup just wanted u to know that I'm almost home plus the whole class was called to a meeting today at 10:30, so get ur cute butt up girl.

Sweet Little Puppy:🐶💚

thank u mu sweet gay strong man and ok I'm up and I'll be getting ready when u come home.

After sending the text I checked my email for any news on what this meeting is about. 'I guess professor crow just set this meeting cause I don't see anything' I thought while getting up and heading to my closet to find some clothes to wear for the day. 

After searing for a bit I found some black ripped jeans and a white cropped top. I threw them onto my bed and then started to head to my bathroom connected to my room.

Maxy and I live in an apartment in New York, I had to beg my family to let me go to Academy here. They wanted me to go to collage close to home, but all the collages close to home don't have a theater program. 

After a few weeks of begging and pleading and giving a lot of info about the Academy and telling them that Maxy was going with me, they let me go. They have always trusted Maxy, his parents kicked him out when he told them about him being gay. My parents always thought of him as a son, so they took him in.

The apartment isn't to bad, Maxy and I had to save up a lot of money to be able to afford it and to be able to live in New York. He works at this nice restaurant close to the Academy. I work at a business in town it has a weird name, but it pays very well. All I do is make sure the lobby of the building is clear of people and that keep things clean in the CEO's office. I only work on the weekends.

while going into the bathroom I catch a glimpse of myself. 'Wow my hair is getting really long' I thought while brushing out my hair.

I turned and started the shower and got undressed.

         *Skip shower*

Getting out of the shower I heard the front door shut. "Maxy is that you?" , I yelled while drying my legs to put lotion on. "Sweet pup I've got breakfast and coke since you don't like coffee." , he yells then I hear my bedroom door open. Making my way out of the bathroom I saw that he was laying on my bed messing with the clothes I picked out. 

"Maxy can I have my underwear please?" , I ask while holding my towel up in the front. he picked up my lace blue panties and threw them to me. I put them on and get closer to the bed and put the rest of my clothes on.

I don't care if he sees me naked, we have pretty much grown up together. and the story behind my nickname 'sweet pup' is when we were little maybe around 10. 

We both were playing in the park and saw a little puppy, I got scared of it and he ran to it and brought it over to me. I got scared and started to cry and he started to whine like a little puppy making me calm down and look at him. 

He said that this puppy is as scared as I was. After that he kept calling sweet little pup because I would scared and start to whine like a puppy. 

" So do you know what this meeting is about, I couldn't find an email about it?" , I asked while searching for some shoes to go with my outfit. 

"I don't know my love, but maybe it has something to do with that contest that I enter us in." , he said while looking on his phone.

"Last night Molly texted me places to visit in Italy" , he said showing some places. "I think she doesn't realize we have to win this contest to go", I mumble while slipping on my shoes.  

I started to head to the kitchen to get my poppy seed muffin and coke. Sitting down on the stool and stuffing my face Maxy came in on the phone with someone.

From the yelling and his frustrated face it's his mother again. In her mind she thinks if she can set him up with a attractive young women he won't be gay anymore.

"Mom I can't take this anymore I'm done, don't ever call my phone again!" , he yelled and threw his phone onto the counter.

Getting up I wrapped my arms around his torso "It's ok I promise She will understand one day if not you have me and my parents and your friends" , I mumble into his chest while patting his back.

" Ph sweet girl I know I have you and to be honest I don't care if she will ever understand, I just don't want her to call me anymore" , he said then kissed my head.

I let go of him and looked at him "I thought you changed your phone number last year?" , I asked while sitting back down.

"Yeah I thought I could trust my sister, but I guess I can't trust anyone from that place" , he said  while getting his chocolate muffin out.

"Well let's get to eating and then we will go to the Academy", He said then started to stuff his face.


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