Part 18

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Scarlett's pov.

Sighing he gets dressed and pulls me to him "maybe we could continue if you would like that my lovely lady?" , he growls into my neck as I wrap my arms around his neck giggling kissing his shoulder. He trails his hands down my sides and goes to grip my ass cheeks.

His lips trail down my neck leaving wet kisses going to my breast. As he puts my nipple in his mouth


" Luka let us see her we need to fix her neck and get her dressed you ass" , Annabelle yells behind the door while I hear the other girls giggling. He groans " can't have a fucking moment alone huh?" , he whispers to me and himself. I grin and kiss his nose " I'll go into the closet you let them in and go get dressed my love" , I whisper running my hand in his hair making him smile and close his eyes nodding letting me up.

I run to the closet and put some underwear and a bra on and a robe as quickly as possible. He lets them in after I give him a thumbs up. As he opens the door Annabelle bust it open faster almost smacking him with it. " you go clean up and we will fix what you have done to this sexy girl" , she says as Molly and Lilah laugh at how she beating him up.

I giggle watching them act like brother and sister, he gets away from her and goes to his room getting ready. The girls help me figure out what to wear and if I should makeup.

*an hour later*

*an hour later*

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We come up with this outfit I fix the belt

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We come up with this outfit I fix the belt. And move my hair out of my face looking in the full length mirror. " thanks girls I was brain farting on what to wear" , I say turning around and hugging Molly first then Lilah and Annabelle together They laugh and say welcome.

I say I'm going to get Luka and start going to his room. I knock and then go into the room to see him wearing

I smile when he sees me and motions for me to come over to him with his finger

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I smile when he sees me and motions for me to come over to him with his finger. I come over to him as he is sitting on the couch with his legs wide and I step between them, he smirks pulling into his lap. " you look sexy my love" , he says kissing my lips I giggle whipping my lip gloss on of his lips. He sighs as he see probably saw how nervously my fingers are shaking.

"Baby girl I know you will be fine, Lucy isn't mean or rude. She just wants to meet you plus she was the one who convinced Dominic and Callisto to let you and ur friends shoot your movie here" , he says while rubbing my back comfortingly. I look in his eyes " I am curious though why did she let us come here, I'm great full though curious cause Mr. Moretti, Callisto and Annabelle doesn't seem like the type that like theater and musicals" , I ask while playing with his rings.

He sighs looking down " it's because of Callisto's little sister she used to love acting and singing making home videos. She always loved that kind of thing, I guess for Lucy to heal after she was kidnapped she wanted to do something that would make Angelique happy. She donated a shit ton of money for you theater class and then let you and your friends come here. She thought it would make this house happier and feel more alive" , he says while looking into my eyes, his eyes look sad talking her.

I nod and sigh " alright let's go meet Lucy, and thank you for telling me about Angel" , I say getting up from his lap. I smile and head to the door waiting for him before opening the door. He gets his phone and we go to Callisto's office.


Callisto's pov.

We got back from the beach and everyone went to do their own things. I went to my office, as I'm walking to my office I see Annabelle waiting in the hallway near my door " need something Anna?" , I ask stopping in front of her. She smiles " looks like our parents decided to visit us, mom is wanting to see you new lover and plus see what her friend and her are doing" , she say making me groan " great another thing for me to deal with" , I say while rubbing my eyes.

" go tell Luka and Scarlett I'll see if I can give you a little time to ease Scarlett's mind about meeting her" , I tell her and head into my office seeing dad sitting behind my desk and mom looking out the window behind him. As I closed the door she turned around looking at me and smiling " well there's my son, guess Anna told you we were here which is fine" , she say coming over to me hugging me.

" well I need to know when you guys are going to be here I'm surprised my men didn't tell me, now that I think about it I'm guessing it probably had to do something with dad" , I smirk over at him which he replies with "I only said that I didn't want to disturb you and to keep quiet".

" well guess I need to train them a bit more harder to listen to their boss, now let's sit and talk" , I say motioning mom to sit in the lounge part of the office. As she turns to sit down I pull my phone out and text Vladimir and Franco and tell them mom and dad our here.


Scarlett's pov.

We get to Callisto's office door Luka opines it to show Callisto, Vladimir, Franco, and Callisto's father and mother laughing and talking. When the door closed they looked are direction, the guys smiled and domino and Lucy smiled Lucy getting up and coming over to me. She hugs me " I'm glad to finally meet you I'm Lucy which you probably know by now" , she says pulling over to the couch and sitting down pulling me with her.

" I've heard a lot of things from the boys, they all say that you have pretty much stole their hearts which I love" , she says giggling I smile " yes I guess I did, but they also stole mine. I love them with all my heart" , I say looking at my four boys who are smiling and two are even blushing. ( can you guess who is blushing).

She chuckles and leans on her husband who pulls her close to him kiss her head. " I do wanna know how you and your friends are doing with your movie though?" , she asks. I smile " we only really just started, but so far it's been great, Annabelle has been helping us out a lot" , I tell her. She looks shocked " really Anna never really cares for staying here, wonder why she's staying?" , she questioned.

'I wonder if she only staying because of Molly' I think to myself, I look over at the guys and see them watching me intently. " she has been messing around with that other girl, Molly I think" , Vladimir says while coming over to me, lifting me up then sitting down with me in his lap. I blush putting my head in his neck, he chuckles rubbing my back.

The others carry on talking with each other not paying us any mind. " be my good girl and take a nap my love I know your tired from your day at the beach" , Vladimir whispers in my ear kissing my head. I sigh and nod " yes daddy" , I say loud enough for only him to hear.

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