Part 15

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Callisto's pov.

(This chapter will have some gore so if you don't like it don't read thxs)

Walking through the hallway I look down at my left shoulder to see my loves head laying on it sound asleep. She took her punishment very well, now I'm going to take a nap with her. All the stress of the meeting tomorrow is getting to me. I don't want her near them.

I get to my door opening and walking in I close the door with my foot gently. I got to the bed laying her down gently onto it. Turning down to her body I take everything off and go to my dresser and pull out a black shirt and go to put it on her. Once I'm done I go to the bathroom and take a shower.

Getting out I go into the closet that connects to the bathroom and put on some sweats and go back into the room going to the left side of my bed getting in. I grab my phone and tell the guys where she is and what happened. I put it on silent and get comfortable pulling her to me.

————————————————————lilah's pov.———————————————————

It's 2 in the morning and I'm sitting on the patio, I laugh to my self thinking about what has happened so far to us. I wonder what my father is going to think about all of this shit. I groan leaning back in my chair. "Who's there?" , a Russian voice yells out.

A light flashes in my direction blinding me, " I'm Scarlett bodyguard, also one of the students staying here?" I say loudly standing up looking around the light to see who it is. I see the hand holding a the flashlight, but also another hand holding a gun beside it. I look at the hands and see tattoos covering them and the wrists. I look up more to see the face a it's a man with light brown hair with green eyes with tattoos on his neck going down more of his body that's covered with a suit.

"What's your name?" , I ask in a curious way he turns his flashlight away from me and looks into my eyes. "Alex I'm head of security, what are you doing out this late?" , he ask looking me up and down.

I smirk " couldn't sleep wanted to see the moon, sorry did I startled you?" , I say looking at my feet." No you didn't, just that usually around this time people are all inside or not here" , he says while putting his gun back in its holster.

" I would go inside and get some sleep both our jobs are going to be crazy for tomorrow," he says sitting down. I nod " yea I know Vlad told me that we were having some people here" , I say sitting down again.

After a while we started talking and getting to know each other. Looking down I sigh " alright I'm done being awake so I'm going to bed" , I say and head to the door going inside after he says bye. My one thought going to my room is ' he's kinda cute'.

———————————————————Scarlett's pov.———————————————————

I wake up feeling sore on my but, I open my eyes to see the room is completely dark. The curtains are drowning out most of the light. 'This room looks really familiar, crap this is Callisto's room' I think to myself. I move around and feel a body next to me in the bed. An arm pulls me to their body I look over my shoulder and then turn to face the person seeing it's Callisto.

He's still asleep as I smile and brush some hair out of his face that was making him scrunch up his nose. 'he looks so peaceful while he sleeping', I think to myself. " little Angel it's not polite to stare" , he says in a low morning voice. I shiver and kiss his nose, which surprised him cause his eye opened wide looking at me." Are you okay bubs?" , I mumble he nods and kissing my lips lightly then turns onto his back bringing me onto his chest.

" do you and your friends have any plans for today?" , he mumbles into my neck making me giggle." Not really just going over lines and choosing clothes for the sets, why?" I ask at the end of telling him." Could your friends come in here with you and stay here for the day, some people are coming over and I don't want them near you" , he says then sucks on my neck making a mark. I moan quietly making him groan and grip onto my thighs slowly going under the shirt I'm wearing. He gently holds my sides and rubs his thumbs over my skin that's burning from his touch.

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