Part 25

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Scarlett's Pov.

After we cleaned up I told them that I was going to go talk to my friends and see how they are doing. when we were still under attack yesterday I thought about what my friends and if they still even wanted to stay here since their lives and families lives would be in danger. When me and Lilah where runnign back to Callisto's room I asked fi she wanted to stay here and she said yes and she knew her father could take care of himself and she only cared if I was happy and felt safe and asked if I still wanted to stay and i said yes cause I  didn't want to leave them.

I go to Maxy's room and knock on the door after a minutes I heard him say "come in". Going in I look around the room to see he was packing to go to the other House like the whole house seemed to be doing. He looked at me and smiled " hey sweet pup, how are you doing?" , he asked coming over to me and hugging me. I stayed in his arms "I'm fine just came over to see how you were doing and ask you something important" , I say into his chest sighing i look up to see him waiting for me to ask my question.

"I was wondering if you still were okay with staying here, I know you and the girls didn't sign up for the blood, gun, scary ass men. I just wanted to make sure I take in your feelings before we continue with staying her-" he interrupts me "I was a little shell shocked on how we were in the middle of this, but I knew from when Callisto and Franco saw you for the first time after you passed out into their arms that you couldn't leave them. I see how you look when you think about them or when your around them your truly in love with them and I don't blame you they treat as royalty haha. So I'm staying cause your my friend and also my family" , he say holding me and whipping my tears that are flowing down my face.

He holds me and lets me cry on him probably need to let out my emotions. after a little bit we separated after I stopped crying, I looked him in the face and smiled "are you almost done with packing?" , I ask looking over at his bed where his suitcase is laying. "I'm almost done just getting the camera and filming equipment" , he groans going over to the bed and starts packing again.

I go over and clear a spot to sit down, " I'm glad that your okay with staying here, I think I might go see if Molly is doing ok and see what she thinks I know when we were in the closet I saw that she was terrified" , I say as I hand him the last bit of camera equipment.

I go to the door and wave goodbye, ' I wonder if Molly is with Anna or doing something else' I think to myself. I go her room first knocking on the door, after a minute of not hearing anything I go to Anna's room and knock on the door.

The door opens showing Molly "hey girl what you doing here, are you ok I know yesterday was pretty crazy" , she asks pulling me into a hug. I hug her back as we both enter the room I look over to the sitting area in the room to see Anna is curled up on the couch munching on some chips. I smile "hey Anna are you doing alright I just wanna see how you guys are doing and to ask Molly something" , I say as I sit down in a chair.

Molly looks at me "I'm fine just tired and what was your question?" , she asks sitting down next to Anna. I sigh leaning back " I wanted to ask if you still wanted to stay here. I know when we all came here you didn't sign up for all this bloodshed.

I'm not leaving I can't I love those four. I asked what Maxy thought about this and he said he's staying I also asked Lilah she said she was staying she found something she wants that's here" , I say looking over to the seeing Anna looking down and Molly's face looked unhappy.

"I did think about this whole thing for a while even before what happened yesterday. At first I thought maybe I would leave and did start packing to leave, but I couldn't do it and leave you alone and I knew that I would hate myself. When I did that was the time Anna came to the house and she and I just clicked and I think I also found a reason to stay here. So I'm staying can't get rid of me that easy, plus I really can't wait for you to marry those four haha" , she giggles at the end making me laugh and blush a deep red.

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