Part 10

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Scarlett Lee rose's pov.

I woke up to feeling heavy and a little disoriented, I look around and notice I'm not in my room. I try sitting up and I'm stopped by and man laying on my stomach with his hair in his face. I look to the right side of my to see what time it is only to see another man laying beside me holding my hand.

I sigh knowing it's going to be difficult to get out of here without waking them up. I look at the guy in my lap and notice he looks familiar. 'Shit it's the son in the picture and the one that made me faint' . I say I'm my mind. I see the end of his hair is tickling his lips, making his face scrunch up. I smile a little and didn't realize I was reaching out and moving the hair out of his face.

I jump when I hear a thick, deep Russian voice say " darling Angel you have decided to wake up". I look to my left to see a man in a nice black suit sitting in a chair beside the bed. His hair was half up half down, he was lighting a cigarette while keeping duke blueish gray eyes on me. I blush and look down at his hand that is in his lap. I could see tattoos peaking out of the sleeves of his jacket.

"Zolotse my eyes are up here I know my hands are making u very curious, but we will explore what they can do later on" , he says while changing his sitting position to wide legs and leaning on them getting closer to me. His smell made me shiver, he smelt like woods and winter and cigarettes, but I could smell something else I've never smelled before it smelt like metal.

I blush when he goes to sit on the bed gently grabbing my chin making me look up at him. " you need to listen Zolotse I don't like repeating myself" , he quietly says. I nod because my voice is being a baby and won't come out. He smirks and plays with my hair folding it behind my ear.

" do you want to go and eat I'm sure your very hungry?" , he questions while gently lifting the man off my lap, I almost forgot about them. He sits the man on the bed next to the other guy, I slowly try to get up and fail because my legs feel like jelly. He catches me before I hit the floor and lifts me up and puts me on his side making me feel like a child.

'Why do I strangely trust this guy and like this position' I think to myself as he heads to the door. " sir what about them, should we wake them up?" , I ask quietly. He looks down at me and smirks " don't worry love they will wake soon knowing your not near them" , he mutters near my ear while shutting the door walking down the hallway. I shutter 'jeez he's teasing the hell out of me' I groan to my self.

We get to the stairs where he goes down each step making me bounce up and down in his grip. I blush because my thighs are hitting above his crotch, suddenly I Feel something rubbing my thigh. "sir your keys or something in you pocket is poking my thigh, could we stop and I could walk down the stairs myself?" , I asked while looking at him. 

He smirked and then got closer to my face making me get a little nervous, i shut my eye only to feel his lips near my ear. " oh my lovely little angel that isn't keys, but ill give you a hint of what it is" , he said then turned to the wall facing it making my back hit it. he started to grind my hips onto his crotch making me feel tingles of pleasure and heat pooling between my thighs making me bite my lip. 

"this is what was touching you little pup" he kept grinding against me. my eyes are still closed and i made the mistake of opening them to see his lust filled gaze on me licking his lips. I shivered then licked my own lips wanting to ask why he's doing this. seconds later his lips were over mine, i get shocked only because I find my body thought of what it wanted before me. i gripped at the back of his head making him groan into the kiss. I feel his hands roam my body his left hand went to the end of my dress and slowly went to my breast.

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