Part 5

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Franco 'Dracula' Romano pov.


"Yea what?" , I grumble out knowing it's Callisto sine the people who work for know not to wake me up at the ass crack of dawn.

"Looks like we might to go back to the house, need u to call Vlad and Luka, we might need them mom came in saying dad found something." , he said while moving around meaning he's coming up to my room.

Getting up while putting the phone on speaker to multitask. "What did pops find out and why would need to go back I thought we got rid of the place?" , I grumble while thinking about that night.

"Mom said that he had a friend tell him that a letter that was sent to him was a clue to where Angel is" , he said hanging up meaning he's at my door.

My bedroom door opens with Callisto looking annoyed and tired. Ever since she was taken this family has never gave up on her, meaning no sleep for him or his father. I barely sleep as well.

"So why do we need Vlad and Luka I thought they were busy with Russian shit?" , I said while putting my guns in the holster that strap to my shoulders. "I can't do this alone and I need you three more than anything." , he said while sitting on a chair.

When we were younger, the year after Angel was kidnapped pops went looking everywhere even asking someone people we barely knew, even some of our enemies.

We had been in Russia for three days before their boss finally knew we were looking for Angel and which he offered to help, the reason behind helping was because he had a daughter around Angels age and couldn't stand to see the heartbreak in our fathers eyes.

During our time with staying there his son Vladimir was preparing to take his fathers place as leader. And he also agreed knowing that it's heart breaking losing a family member.

He already had his right hand man who is Luka and we four got close. We would always be near each other, making sure we were alright. I guess you could say we needed each other.

I got knocked out of my thoughts by Callisto putting his head on my shoulder. Feeling his breath near my neck, making me shiver I pat his head and stay like this with him for a while letting him have a quiet moment to himself.

I know this seems gay or some shit, but we've always been this close. Us four have figured out that we were into sharing a lot of things. We would share beds, we wouldn't have sex just sleep. We also notice that if one of us would have a girl the others would want to be with them not wanting to be lonely.

I got bored one day and searched it up, turns out it's something call polyamory. I told Callisto he agreed that we sound like it. Soon after telling Vlad and Luka they agreed to.

Ever since that time we have had a few girls join our relationship, but none could take our way of love or got jealous that us guys were closer. They either would think we were weird and then try to pull us apart, or get scared that we were part of a crime organization.

I felt his head move away, he then looked into my eyes showing me that he's okay. I always told him to let me know if he wasn't ok. Vlad and Luka know to always tell us as well to.

" I'll call them and tell them to come tonight and get the other house in order, I'm sure nobody keeps it in check anymore." , I said while walking with him to get our men notified.

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