Part 12

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Lilah's pov. (Still in flashback)

"So you really have fallen head over heels for my girl , huh?" , I state. ' I understand being in love very well, and he heartbreak that comes with it. I need to know their not going to break hers' I say to myself.

I sigh scratching the back of my head " tell me how you knew that you fell for her then I might consider this whole thing" , I say while looking at them all wondering who's going first.

I hear one of them clear their throat I turn my head to the right to see it was Callisto. " I noticed when she looked at me with fear but also had curiosity in her eyes. When she fainted with a little bit a fear shown on her face I knew I couldn't stand to see that expression on her face ever again. I vowed hen that I would protect her and make her happier then anyone in this world even if I had to end my life or hers" , he said while smirking at my shocked face.

' so idiot #1 is telling the truth now who else has the balls' I say in my mind. I see out of the corner of my eye sight Franco stepped up. " I noticed when Callisto was holding her how she made him happy, plus she looked so tiny and fragile that I knew I couldn't let her ever get hurt" , he said while sitting on a bench unbuttoning his suit jacket.

'Their my idiot #2 now who is #3'

Vladimir smirked letting me know that he was #3 " I never liked the idea of dating women. In my life women are their for pleasure and maybe making heirs that's it. When I saw her underneath Callisto when they were both asleep I couldn't stop thinking of how she looked like a pup surrounded by two big dogs that could kill in a instant. Right then I knew that I couldn't let her ever feel fear only comfort and security." , Vlad say while lighting a cigarette.

'No will #4 be Luka or no?'

" I wouldn't know how to describe how I feel I'm not a man who speaks with words as you say. I show my love, when we got to the room that and saw her cuddled up to these two I knew that she would fit, cause she wasn't afraid of us when we talked to her, never flinch when we talked or moved fast thinking would hurt or kill her" , he said while looking in my eyes.

'Guess I have a new job' I think to myself. " well looks like I'm going to have a new job, I'm glad she has someone who will be with her for her and not her body or some other shit men go for. Know this I don't care who you are the minute you break her heart I will torture your asses then make you disappear from this world" , I say while sticking my hand out for Callisto to shake smiling at him. He smiles back " glad to know she has someone like you as well" , he says shaking my hand.

_________________________end of flashback_______________________

(Scarlett's pov.)

After walking down the hall and coming back I came back to my door sighing as I opened it. I smelled smoke when I enter my room, smiling I turned to see all 4 men in the living room area of the room. Callisto was sitting on the couch with Franco sitting next to him. Vladimir was near a window smoking while Luka was in a chair smiling at me.

I walk more into the room getting arms length to Callisto. He smiles reaching over to pull me to him and Franco. I allow him to pull me to his lap lifting me to sit on his lap, I giggle when Franco gets up a little to kiss me on the cheek."baby girl how are you after you little walk?" , Luka asks getting up getting behind the couch to kiss my nose. " it was fine I've been thinking about what we talked about, I've made up my mind on what I want", I say looking at all of them seeing they were directly looking at me with a stern look on their faces.

"Yes I'll be with you all" was all I could say before they rushed to fight who could kiss me.  Callisto won when he shot up running away from the others with my hanging onto him for dear life. He twirled me around kissing my lips not letting go.

I had my eyes closed so when I didn't feel his lips for a second I opened them to see that Vladimir had me in his arms laying on the bed with me on top of him. I reached down to kiss him which he gladly meet. For a solid hour we kept sucking each other's lips.Through all of it the others were messing with each other as well.

( it's going to get steamy with men doing spicy time so if you don't like that or can't take it plzs skip till you see 🏳️‍🌈🚨 also this part is no ones pov).

Callisto was sticking his fingers only two into Lukas mouth, almost choking him with them. Lukas face was a little red. He had a little bit a spit running down his mouth. Franco was kissing onto Callisto's neck making red spots form on his skin. Luka was moaning because Callisto took his fingers out of his mouth putting them into Lukas pants that were undone.

He was groping Lukas cock through his underwear, Franco trailed his hand down Callisto's chest going down to his belt up looping it, once it was free he slid his hand down to meet the hair that was above his throbbing cock. He smirked pushing his jeans down to let his cock free. It jumped up smacking Callisto's abs, he gripped it gently going up and down teasing the tip every time he went up. Callisto tensed leaning back against Franco letting him take control. Callisto still was gripping onto Lukas cock gently running his thumb over the tip feeling the piercing that was there.

"Oh love I think we need to let our little pup join our fun, look at that sweet little thing grinding on you daddy" , Franco whispered into Callisto's ear gently biting it then licking it. Callisto looked to see Scar grinding slowly on Vladimir's lap. They all stopped touching each other to see Scarlett trying to breathe while still grinding and kissing Vladimir. " Vlad let her breathe she's going to pass out if you keep going" , Luka chuckled while moving to fix his pants and then lay down next to them.

(Scarlett's pov.)

I hear Luka say that and gently push on Vlad's chest. We part and I take a deep breath of air laying my head onto his shoulder. I feel his hands hold me while he kisses my temple " sweet pup you need to tell me when you need to stop or I won't know zolotse" , Vlad whispers in my ear making me shiver.

I nod into his shoulder still trying to catch my breath. I look over at the others to see them waiting to see if I'm ok. I smile at them letting them know I'm okay. Callisto leans over and kisses my nose, then Luka kisses my cheek while Franco kisses my forehead. I close my eye and then enter dream land.

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