Character Information

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Here I am going to give more info on the main characters these characters include: Callisto, Scarlett, Luka, Franco, Vladimir, Maxy, Molly, Lilah. if people want me to do Callisto's parents or his sisters then i will Gladly do them.

first on the list is:

Scarlett Lee Rose
Age: 24
Height: 5'6
Hair Color: Dyed dark brown that looks black
Eye Color: Green

Life story: She was born in North Carolina, her parents names are Michael and Chris Rose. They lived away from family. Only family Scarlett ever knew of is was her fathers brother and sister Tommy and Kelly. Thye don't keep in contact, when scarlett was about to graduate Tommy died. She alwasy loved acting and making movies, you could alwasy find her and Maxy and the girls playing outside making movies of advntures they made up. they all graduated they all promised to go same school.

Likes: reading, painting, watermelon, cantelope, loves chicken, Loves annoying Lilah with forgetting training lesson, staying up at night.

Likes she has now: Loves watching the boys work, loves being picked up by Vladimir, having Callisto praise her in spicy times, Loves reading ith hades keeping her warm in the libray, loves watching Luka work out cause he always tries to use her as a weight which fails when she starts laughing making him crack.

Dislikes: getting up early, doesn't like the smell of lavendar, doesn't like loud things like plates clashing together, used to not like dogs, but is wokring on it, doesn't like really spicy things.


Maxy Carrol Rogers
Age: 26
Height: 5'9
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Brown

Life story: He was born in the same town as Scarlett in middle school he started to come to understand that he liked boys. when he told his mother she flipped out and started to beat him. she said it was becasue wanted to beat it out of him and that she hated his guts. for months he kept hiding the brusies, but one day while playing at Scarlett's house he spilled his hot chocolate on his shirt and had to change, while changing scarlett came in to give him another towell and saw that his back was bruised badly. he had to hold Scarlett down she wanted to kill his mothers. after talking with her parents who came in after hearing him crying and her cussing which she doesn't do often, they came up with a plan for him to now start making evidence againist his mother.
and that he did and sent her to jail she was in for a day till his siste who turned a blind eye to all of this bailed her out of jail saying Maxy was mentally unstable and faked everything. oNce his moterh came back she smakced Maxy in the face kicking him out saying he is not her child anymore. He came runnig to Scarllet and her parents opened their home to him.

Likes: Loves anything Caramel, loves going tot he park at night to see the stars clearly, loves lillies and sunflowers, the smell of Peppermint, Cozy warm Blankets.

Dislikes: loud trucks, heavy drinking(cause of his mother), Black coffee, also hates lavendar, shouting, humid days.


Molly Jane Black
Age: 22
Height: 5'5
Hair Color: dyed whitish pink
Eye Color: Brown eyes

Life story: she is the youngest of 4 kids the oldest is Harry who is 30, Marcus who is 28, Annie who is 25. Her family is decently rich, so she alwasy got what she wanted. since she is the youngest you would think she is babied, but no she is mostly ignored. Her parents are big and top coming lawyers and never really are home she was mostly raised by her sister Annie since she was still livnig in the house. Molly came out as lesbian to Annie who welcomed her and loved her. When the rest of the family was told they quietly disowed her by not talking to her saying they were to busy, then not coming to the house for christmas her parents would say thye were needed in the office leaving Annie to hold a brokenhearted Molly together. Once Molly turned 17 she moved with Annie to a apartment where they stayed ignoring the family like they did her.

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