Part 14

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( there is going to be a extra spicy scene in this part, so when you see 🎊🚨🎊🚨🎊🚨 either skip or go to next part)

Lilah's pov.

'God I hate signing papers it's the Ultimate torture Wonder if anyone would be pissed if I hit em in the crotch' I smirk to myself. I'm currently signing my contract with them basically saying that I'm theirs.

When I was little my father always told me to a boss never a bench men. Guess I never listened to his words. " this is the last of it right my hand is going to fall off" , I groan to Vladimir. He smirks and nods " yes this is that end of it and now I'm giving your first assignment as Scarlett's bodyguard. We want you to keep her away from these men that are coming to the house. We don't trust them but we need some information they have about Callisto's sister" , he says showing me photos of the men that I need to keep her away from.

——————————————————Scarlett's pov.————————————————————

After we had our talk with Annabelle, they wanted to be alone again and I had to still look for Maxy. Hopefully Lilah didn't beat him up to bad for being nosy. After a while I quiet looking and went to the kitchen to make some chicken salad cause I'm hungry.

I got to the kitchen I put music on and started to make some food. (Listen to this feeling - chain smokers, kelsea ballerini) I went to the freezer and got some chicken breast and went to the sink and washed them in hot water to unthaw them a little so some of the seasonings and get into them better.

I went to through some cabinets trying to find the brown sugar and chicken seasoning, once I found them I get a cast iron skillet and put a little bit of oil then put the chicken in it. I put the seasonings on the kitchen then put the chicken in the oven and turned the oven on 400 degrees and washed my hands.

I get the lettuce and other things I want in my salad. After preparing them the put the bowl that their in the fridge to keep them fresh. I sat on a stool waiting for the chicken to be done.

" what smells so good my sweet little puppy?" , Maxy says surprising me. I smile and jump off the stool running over to him jumping on him wrapping my legs around him hugging him tightly." I thought you were gone because I made you upset not talking to you" , I say in to his neck. He chuckled and kiss the top of my head.

"Baby girl I would never be mad at you, I went out to find more places to shoot our film I thought Luka wrote a note telling you this?" , he said looking behind him while putting me down. I look over his shoulder to see Luka and Franco coming inside the kitchen.

I smiled and looked over at Luka " no he did not leave a note for me, I've been worried sick" , I say hugging Franco but not Luka making him groan." I told Franco to do it since I was making a phone call would forget so not my fault it's his!" , he shouts out then hugs me from behind not letting go. I roll my eyes at how their acting " and I told you that I wouldn't do it because I know you blame it on me if I said something different then what you wanted me to write on the note!" , Franco growls out glaring at Luka.

I giggle and kiss Lukas hand and head to the oven to check the chicken seeing it's done and try getting it out. Of course Franco's hands are already pushing me out of the way getting it himself." Done want my girl to hurt herself now do I " , he whispers in my ear making me shiver as he kisses my ear.

I ask if they some chicken which they say no but Maxy said yes and we eat some salad. After a few minutes I ask I'd they found some spots to film. Maxy groans happily and shows me some places he took pictures. After we were done with our food I started washing the dishes. I felt a body behind me I could think of two people who would behind me like this. " baby why don't you quit this and come watch some movies with me and Luka, Maxy can join to" , Franco whispers in my making me giggle.

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