Part 20

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Callisto's pov.

After we got Scarlett cleaned and Franco put his shirt on her and I put some of her underwear on her Vladimir carried her to the bed while the rest of us got ready. Once we got ready I picked her up from her spot next to Vlad and put her on top of me. I lied next to Vlad Luka got on my right while Franco lied on Vlad's legs. We get into a comfortable silence and we slowly one by one fall asleep.

——————————————————————————Vladimir's pov.————————————————————————————

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing on the nightstand, I groaned and look down when I couldn't move to see Scarlett had moved and cuddle onto my chest while Luka moved to cuddle on Callisto. I moved her over gently which made her attach to Callisto and Luka, I sat at the edge of the bed and answered my phone "what Alex someone better be dying or dead" , I grumble rubbing my eyes to get the sleep out of them.

I hear hime sigh " I'm afraid that's why I'm calling you sir. The wear house we have the ship meant that's supposed to got the cartel by Friday is gone. Someone came in and stole it and butchered the watchman we had here." , he says then I hear a females voice " it's Lilah this was a team maybe 3 or 5 guys, they took out the cameras in and out with a airsoft gun which didn't make enough noise to make anyone suspicious. They made the watchmen right a message in their own blood before they killed them. The reason I know is because the handwriting is shaky and looks rushed. The message is directed to Scarlett I you a picture of everything. Do you need me back at the house sir?"

I sighed going over to my closet and started getting dressed " have 20 men ready to join us at the warehouse and have they rest of our men that stay here pack more security around ever part of the house and Lilah yes I need you with Scarlett I need you to maybe keep your friends on a tight leash I'll make sure you all have bodyguards and trackers installed on you persons" , I say putting my shoes on and ending the call.

I go over to the bed and gently wake Callisto and Franco who look at me then search for Scarlett. " trouble at the warehouse we need to handle this and lock down the house for a while. Franco maybe you should stay here-"

"No if you guys need to go then go I'll be fine" , Scarlett says making me widen my eyes." Baby are you sure, I don't want to leave you alone" , I say cupping her cheek in my hand rubbing my thumb on her bottom lip. She nods " I know I'll be ok, plus Lilah going to be here and there's a shit ton of men here that make sure this house is safe"

"Don't swear my kitten, alright if you think you'll be ok with this, you might wanna try waking him up we need to leave now" , I say kissing her lips and motioning to Luka who is cuddled in her lap. She smiles and looks down gently petting his hand " Luka my love you gotta wake up our babies need you" , she says which makes me think of her having our children instead of what she meant.

He immediately bolted up and looked around looking over at me and the other two seeing that we're dressed and seeing her smile and kiss his lips gently." Baby girl please be careful with your words I thought my dream came true and you belly was swollen with our babies" , he groaned making her turn bright red and covered her mouth with her hands giggling.

"I'm sorry baby boy, but Ik you won't get up unless she does something to you" , I mumble against his head kissing him. He groans getting up and going over to the closet to get clothes on. I smile and sit next to Scarlett she yawns and lay her head on my lap, I reach to pet her head making her moan in a sweat little voice.

I chuckle " we're going to go my love Lilah should be here in a. Little while, till then don't go out of this room Charles will bring you some food. I think Lilah will have your friends stay in here as well" I say kissing her forehead getting up gently moving her head onto the pillow.

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