Part 2

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Callisto Enzo Maoretti pov.


"Now we can keep this up with not talking, but I don't think you have many unbroken bones left." , I said while cleaning the blood of my hands. This idiot thinks he could steal money and drugs from me and get away with it. I've broken most of his bones his fingers are gone and toes and his ribs and legs are done for as well. All that left is his face and every mans most precious thing of all.

"Please sir I didn't know anything about him kidnapping your sister. I thought he was only going to scare her and then take the money in the safe" , he grumbled out while trying to keep his head up.

"Well you both should have thought twice or just never did anything, but you both can't think clearly to do that." , I say while punching his already broken ribs. Grabbing my jacket, I open the door and then headed into in the mansion.

When I was 18 I had a sister who was 12 she was the princess of the family. I have to sisters that are younger while I am the eldest. After me there is my other sister Annabelle who was 15 at the time, then angel who is 12.

One night my father was having a party with some business-partners who let's say are the not very good at keeping theirs hands to themselves. One called Romeo, once tried touching my mother in front of my father and me as well, I was now officially in charge, the big boss, but seeing the dangerous look in my father eyes, I backed off and let him take care of him.

Let's just say Romeo hasn't been seen for a very long while. It also showed the others my fathers girls were off limits.

That night the house was busy with a party going on. Angel my younger sister didn't want to stay at the party, so she decided to go up to her bed and watch movies.

After an hour since she had been up there my mother decided to check on her and maybe get away from all the people herself.

After a few minutes of mom being upstairs a spine chilling scream was heard. All men and some women took out their guns and looked around looking for what made the scream.

Mother came running down the stairs and ran to her husband crying saying my sister was gone, making me jump up and run up the stairs searching for my sister.

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