Part 26

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Scarlett's pov.

There is going to some spicy moments in this chapter so if you don't like them I will give warnings where they are so you can skip.

I watch the scenery of the first around the two lane road leading to the direction of Callisto's house. I don't know much of his house they only told me what is around the house and when I say they I mean only Alex and Annabelle, the lovely four gentlemen I am with right now in this car won't tell me and have said just wait for the surprise. Anna told me that his house is up on the hill and the only house around for miles because he owns the mountain that it's on.

He also owns a stable full of horses that are thoroughbreds he breeds and races them. His grandfather started it when he was the don said it's was a cleaner and faster way to make money. Callisto's father didn't want to do it so they stopped, but when he became the don he started it up again. She told me that he also has houses in the surrounding area that his men use so his house won't be crowed.

I did ask about Franco's dogs when she was with me and she said they are completely harmless. She told me he found them in a dog fighting ring they were puppy's, they were the only ones alive. He raised them and trained them to protect his family and the house. She also told me if I wanted to she could help me over come my fear.

I'm knocked out of my thoughts by the hand on my thigh I look over to my right to see Franco smiling at me rubbing my hand in comfort. "It's going to be okay babygirl" , he whispers into my ear I smile and nuzzle into his neck as he wraps his arm around me. He unbuckles his buckle and scoots closer to me and hisses my ear.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*an hour later*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I wake to someone gently taking me out of the car I open my eyes to see Vladimir looking down at me smiling gently. I nuzzle into his chest more as he puts me on his hip which he knows I love more then anything. I keep my head in his chest while he goes away from the cars and starts going up the stairs.

He stops half way up and all of a sudden all you can hear is people yelling. Mostly Franco and Callisto's who sound very pissed. I open my eyes and try to look behind us as Vlad is facing away from the he house. As my head lifts a little from his chest he pushes me gently back to him. "Baby girl don't look it's ok go back to sleep" , he whispers into my ear .

I stupidly don't listen and push back and put my hands on his shoulder to stable myself to look around. He groans quietly speaking in Russian loudly towards Callisto and Franco which makes them stop and look at over at us. I look over at the door of the house to see two black Dobermans running towards Franco.

He looks more pissed and yells for someone to grab them and bring them to their room. I freeze as soon as my eyes sees them I start shaking and whimper quietly. I feel Vladimir rubbing my back "shhh it's ok I won't them get near you my zolotse" , he quietly says into my ear.

I shut my eyes and grip onto his shirt tightly tucking my head into his neck his Long hair covering me with its curly waves and manly scent. I breath in his vent of cigarettes and cologne which makes me start to calm down.

I guess he saw I was calm enough and started going over to Franco ho was yelling at a guy who I guess was the one in charge of taking care of the dogs. Once we got close he dismissed him and turned to us and put a hand on my cheek. I looked up at him and showed a ghost of a smile through tears I didn't realize fell.

His faced changed and he reached out to take me from Vladimir's grip I let Gina nod we headed into the house. I didn't look around afraid of seeing the dogs, he went upstairs and went down a hallway and went into a room. As soon as he closed the door to the room I looked up and saw a very beautiful room the dark walls and the tall wall to floor windows that showed the forest that surrounded the house. The sun was down and showed only the light from the moon shining but still had some light from the sun.

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