Authors note

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Hi just wanted to make this known since someone brought this to my attention.


Angel is Callisto's little sister that was kidnapped, she is not in the story at all. Scarlett is the only girl they are in love with. I'm sorry if I got people confused. When they talk about 'out Angel'  or something like that it's them giving Scarlett that nickname.

From now on I will not give her that nickname, but thank you for reading. Like shit (excuse the French out of my god damn mouth).

I never thought so many people would actually be interested in this book. I only thought it would get 50 views then people wouldn't care anymore.

But that's all I needed to say if anyone has any more questions please don't be afraid to ask me in messages or on this page. You can ask anything you want about the books or characters.

But I also want to say thank you so much 😊 I'm smiling so much while writing this.

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