Part 9

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Franco's pov.

After we got into the car we stayed silent through the whole ride to the house. I hate when we go to this house, it never helps anything and makes everyone feel dread for any news we find on Angel.

I notice we our in the driveway and I see Callisto sigh and get out and I follow. We get to the door and he opens he door and the house is the exact same as when we first left. Somehow I almost feel a little better, remembering old memories.

To my right I see that Callisto is tense and I looked to where he is looking to see Charles with a young girl with dark chocolate hair and wearing a dress that makes her look like an angel. I shut my eyes and look up at her on the stairs as she stares at Callisto like a small puppy would when it sees a hungry wolf ready to eat it's prey.

I watch her slightly tan skin go pale and her eyes shut as she passes out. I jump to catch as well as Callisto. Once holding onto her she is light as a feather, she has a flower crown on which makes me think of Angel.

Out of the corner of my eye I see a boy rush to us yelling 'sweet little puppy ' I smirk knowing he thinks of her the same. I go to stand in front of Callisto and the girl ready to make sure no one dares touches them.

"Master Franco he is her friend Max, he is no threat to her or Enzo" , shouts Charles as he tries to calm Max down. I look at him and back down knowing now he isn't a threat. "Well Max since her friend what's her name and why did she faint?" , I question while looking behind me to see her fast asleep in Callisto's arms.

" Charles please tell me there isn't any dogs here especially big ones she is deathly afraid of them. And she has been scared of them since she was little and her name is Scarlett." , he says while looking over her face and body making sure she's okay.

" no we don't have any dogs in the house, and thank you for telling me I'll take her to my room and wait for her to wake up" , Callisto said while heading up the stairs I nod at Max then go after him.

Once getting into Callisto room he lays her on the bed and sits beside her and I sit ont he other side of her. I watch him as he stares at her and moves the hair around her face to make her feel for comfy. " that guy said something before her being a sweet little puppy and I agree she's definitely like a puppy" , I mumble loud enough for him to hear he smirks then nods and keeps watching her.

Poor girl is in a den of wolves and doesn't even know it. I wonder what Vlad and Luka are going to hunk about her. I'm already getting attached plus Callisto is to.


Vladimir's pov.

The warm air was pushing against me as I was coming out of the plane. Climbing down the stair I put my sun glasses on and sighed as my guard opened the door the black SUV for Luka and I. Once inside the driver Mikey headed straight for the house. I looked out the window dreaded that I'm not getting there faster for Callisto.

" I'm sure they are fine, Franco can take care of him till we get there then we will be together" , Luka said while rubbing the ring on my ring finger.

————————————————————hours later———————————————————

We arrived at the gates of the house, Mikey punched in the code for the gates to slowly open. He drives half way tot he house when I jumped out of the car and head straight to the door going inside, I could hear Luka cussing at me and jumping out as well and chasing after me.

I headed up the stairs, almost running to the door I know that is Callisto's room. I opened the door to see three people on the bed. I see Callisto on some girls lap and Franco jumped awake from laying beside them and pointing a gun at the door where I'm standing.

I smirk at him after he realized who I was then dropped the gun beside him and gently got off the bed and rushed to me and threw me into his arms. I chuckle and whispered in his ear I'm home. He chuckle and kissed my neck making me shiver. I looked behind him to see Callisto pull the girl in his arms more.

" who's the girl?" , I asked while he turns in my arms to look at the girl with a smile on his lips. "Her name is Scarlett, she's one of the students from the academy that Angel wanted to go to. When she saw Callisto she got scared because he reminded her of a dog and she is scared of them so she passed out and Callisto won't let her go and she hasn't woken up yet" , he said while gently petting her head.

" she's very small, but somehow I like it" , Luka said from beside me. Looking at her again I see she is a sweet innocent puppy in a den of deadly beasts. She intrigues me.

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