Part 28

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Callisto's Pov.

"Do you know where the file is about the mares that are foaling soon?" , I ask Luka who is sitting at his desk on his phone. He looks up nodding as he goes over to a file cabinet in the left side on the room "I think the first one to foal is Midnight, I think this might be her last foal as well" , he says handing me the file. I nod opening it to see he's right about both. We currently have five mares that are pregant I was thinking about showing Scarlett them.

Vladimir came into the room looking a little confused and pissed "what's wrong?" , Luka asked having hearing the door slam. "I just over heard that Franco was with Scarlett in the dogs room, apparently she, Alex, Lilah, and Anna was with her first and then he found them and stayed with her while the others left" , he says watching both mine and Luka's reaction to hearing this.

"How did you hear this and from who?", Luka asks getting up "I over heard them as they came walking from the hallway where the dogs are, they kept saying how they were proud of her for facing her fear of dogs. I scared them when I asked what they were talking about. Lilah said that scarlett didn't want us four to know, but when her and Alex were going down the hallway Franco surpised them and told them to fess up." , Vlad said sitting on the couch sighing as he leaned his head back.

'Why would she not us with her, and why didn't Franco tell us what happened?' I thnk to myself. I get up and ponder for a moment, then decide to look at the security cameras. I sit down over at my desk and look through the cameras live feed to see Franco and Scarlett in the room. I call over Vlad and luka to watch On the screen I see Scarlett petting Hades while Franco is over on the other couch with Luna.

"Why didn't they tell us about this?", Luka says walking back and forth as hia anger gets a little bigger. Vlad sighs "Lilah said Scarlett didn't want to be a burden, Lilah has trained Scarlett to basically everything she knows. Scarlett hates that her biggest fear complaetely controls her so she wanted to make sure she isn't afraid of dogs so we wouldn't always worry about her", He says making me laugh a little in frustration.

After a while we decided that we would talk to them about it, we left the room to get something to eat. Heading to the kitchen we ask Charlie to make some snadwhiches since it was lunch and not complicated to make. "I think we should show Scarlett the horses maybe she will want to go riding", Luka says before a taking abite of his food. "Now when we see them DO NOT get angry with them and don't scare Scarlett", Vladimir says lighting a cigraette.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Scarlett's POv.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We were leaving the dogs after a while of playing with them "I'm so proud of how you Faced this babygirl", Franco whispers into my ear. I smiled then blush as my stomach growls real loudly making him chuckle "Lets go get you something to eat", He laughs as we start maing our way down the stairs going to the kitchen.

we get to the doorway and see all 3 of our loves sitting on the counter, Callisto was on his phone but put it down as he heard us at the door. Vladimir was lookng out the window smoking he put the stick down as he saw Callisto looking at us. Luka was standing by the door that leads to the patio on his phone "yea well tell me when she start showing signs of foaling" , he says quickly hanging up the phone then turning around to see us and smirks.

"Do you guys mind telling what you have been doing. I over heard something from Lilah whiel she a Alex, Anna were walking down the hallway, but not their hallway the other one. She was taling about how she was proud of you Scalett for facing your fears." , Luka says coming closer to me and Franco. Franco was smirking at Luka which I think made Luka smirk even more if that possible.

"Are you going to quit with the mind games Luka, yes we were witht the dogs only because Scarlett wanted to" , Franco said getting closer to luka who started laughing. My mind was goinga million miles an hour trying to figure out why they were trying to make this seem Like I was in trouble.

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